Bin Laben "documents"


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008



A pathetic attempt t0 smear anti-war activists and intellectuals by association.

This is the Corporation's feeble attempt to counter Hersh's expose.

Anyone wonder why it took THREE YEARS for this deathless prose :

"The list of books and other publications seized by US Navy Seals during the May 2011 raid in which the al–Qaida leader was killed reveal an eclectic range of reading material including works by Noam Chomsky, Yale history professor Paul Kennedy, and journalist Bob Woodward, as well as books suggesting that senior US officials deliberately allowed the 9/11 attacks to succeed."

more at

The "employment form" takes the biscuit for straining credulity to the limit.

"An al-Qaeda application form for new recruits was discovered among documents in Osama bin Laden's lair four years ago, according to the U.S intelligence department on Wednesday.

The job application quizzed hopeful jihadists on their career history, foreign language skills and requested emergency contact numbers should they take part in a suicide mission.

The form, chilling in the mundane nature of its bureaucratic questions, was one of hundreds of pieces of information released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Wednesday.

The form, translated by the CIA, begins: 'Please enter the required information accurately and truthfully. Write clearly and legibly. Name, age, marital status.

'Do you wish to execute a suicide operation?"

Read more:

Uncle Joe Stalin
Palmyra Prospekt
Well it does seem to be a bit dodgy to say the least. I'm not sure that everybody is going to be convinced by the legitimacy of these documents at all.

If it turns out that they are genuine, and who are we to know, then I think it will show just how much of a well organized, business outfit these people were and probably still are running.

Who'd have thought you'd have needed to apply for a job that gets you to blow yourself up as way of a promotion...
This is one of the silly jokes, right? You know... Like the 3$ bill with Bill Clinton's face on it?

If we actually are supposed to believe it, they think we're really stupid.

I still think it was just a dumb prank.