Black Muslim lawmaker claims Justice Alito is out of control for flying patriotic American flag not approved by leftists

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Who do these morons think they are for condemning American patriotism and flags not approved by blacks and leftists?






Pine Tree Flag.


The Pine Tree Flag (or the An Appeal to Heaven Flag) was one of the flags used during the American Revolution. The flag, which featured a pine tree with the motto "An Appeal to Heaven", or less frequently "An Appeal to God", was used by a squadron of six schooners commissioned under George Washington's authority as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army beginning in October 1775.

The pine tree is a traditional symbol of New England. The phrase "appeal to heaven" appears in John Locke's Second Treatise on Government, where it is used to describe the right of revolution.

The flag is the official maritime ensign for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, though the script was removed in 1971. It was used by state navy vessels in addition to privateers sailing from Massachusetts.[3]
According to flag rules, the upside down flag should only be flown in a true desperate emergency. What desperate emergency justified it?
According to flag rules, the upside down flag should only be flown in a true desperate emergency. What desperate emergency justified it?
Only a ***** would accuse an honorable justice of the SCOTUS of being out of control for flying a patriotic flag on his own vacation property in a manner leftist socialists, communists, and racists do not approve of, especially if the flage the democrats despise because he was flying it was bordered by a neighbor's flag that said "F**k Trump."
Only a ***** would accuse an honorable justice of the SCOTUS of being out of control for flying a patriotic flag on his own vacation property in a manner leftist socialists, communists, and racists do not approve of, especially if the flage the democrats despise because he was flying it was bordered by a neighbor's flag that said "F**k Trump."
Again ***** patriots know there are rules about flying the flag
What was the desperate emergency that justified flying it upside down
Was the desperate emergency a neighbor exercising free speech? Lol
Again ***** patriots know there are rules about flying the flag
What was the desperate emergency that justified flying it upside down
Was the desperate emergency a neighbor exercising free speech? Lol
Tell leftist ***** flying the F-Trump flag next door to take his complaints and the badd attitudes and judgments of his friends and stuff them up their 'patriotic' democrat asses.
Again ***** patriots know there are rules about flying the flag
What was the desperate emergency that justified flying it upside down
Was the desperate emergency a neighbor exercising free speech? Lol
Why would you care you do not like America to start with . You just want to fight with Mark because your a bully and it makes you feel good about your self you lying *****.
According to flag rules, the upside down flag should only be flown in a true desperate emergency. What desperate emergency justified it?
America is still under siege by leftist barbarians and rogues who stole the 2020 election by fraud. That is a reason for distress calls.
Again ***** patriots know there are rules about flying the flag
What was the desperate emergency that justified flying it upside down
Was the desperate emergency a neighbor exercising free speech? Lol
So, Trump-hating lefties flying the "F-Trump" flag reported Justice Alito for flying a patriotic flag next door, only upside down, two years ago. While lefties critize the SCOTUS Justice for a minor infraction of their twisted rules that don't make a hill of beans, they should be repenting for their disrespect of the last duly elected honorable President of the US.
Trying to blame alitos disrespect on what someone else did is pathetic
Never taking responsibility for their own actions
Lefties are now going ape-sh#t over a God-honoring, ancient American flag in the wrong position (mind you, lefties burn the US flag, wear strips of the US flag on their clothing, slander the US flag, disrespect the US flag, dishonor the US flag, refuse to stand at attention in ceremonies honoring the US flag, wave queer flags, anti-American flags, racist flags, communist flags, Muslim flags, and vulgar anti-President Donald Trump flags, but they go off like Hamas rockets if a conservative flies a God-honoring historic American patriotic flag in any position.
Only a ***** would accuse an honorable justice of the SCOTUS of being out of control for flying a patriotic flag on his own vacation property in a manner leftist socialists, communists, and racists do not approve of, especially if the flage the democrats despise because he was flying it was bordered by a neighbor's flag that said "F**k Trump."
That's twice you've deliberately forgotten she flew it upside down as a show an international sign of distress. I don't know what distress they would be in and I suspect it was a thinly veiled protest at something.

Where's the link of some black guy going off his head about it?
Lefties are now going ape-sh#t over a God-honoring, ancient American flag in the wrong position (mind you, lefties burn the US flag, wear strips of the US flag on their clothing, slander the US flag, disrespect the US flag, dishonor the US flag, refuse to stand at attention in ceremonies honoring the US flag, wave queer flags, anti-American flags, racist flags, communist flags, Muslim flags, and vulgar anti-President Donald Trump flags, but they go off like Hamas rockets if a conservative flies a God-honoring historic American patriotic flag in any position.
Jesus Christ. Did you have pickled onions for breakfast? You're that sour you could curdle milk by looking at it.
Settle down old man or you'll have a coronary.