Both Obamas are elitists


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Barack Obama's sneering elitism is a matter of record.

But I didn't see this before, from Michelle Obama:

“Barack is one of the smartest people you will ever encounter who will deign to enter this messy thing called politics.”

"Deign" means condescend. In other words, Saint Obama, pitying us mere mortals, has braced himself, held his nose, and descended among us hoi polloi, so that he can, with the greatest charity, sort us peasants out and set us on the right track.
Barack Obama's sneering elitism is a matter of record.

But I didn't see this before, from Michelle Obama:

“Barack is one of the smartest people you will ever encounter who will deign to enter this messy thing called politics.”

"Deign" means condescend. In other words, Saint Obama, pitying us mere mortals, has braced himself, held his nose, and descended among us hoi polloi, so that he can, with the greatest charity, sort us peasants out and set us on the right track.

Personally it seems pretty elitist to dump your wife and kids to go for a much younger much richer "super elitist" woman. But then that's the John McCain story. And unfortunately McCain has other severe "women's issues" problems as well.
"Misuse" a word?? She didn't misuse a word. She stated grammatically and perfectly her offensive attitude. Breathtaking for someone who grew up on the Chicago south side. :D

Yeah, because everyone from the south side of Chicago becomes an elitist if they use obscure words. :rolleyes:

That darn cadidate's baby momma shure do use dem big words, make me think they is elitist. :D