Chelsea Clinton cashes in ....


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
..... on people losing their homes.

She was hired by Avenue Capital Group, a hedge fund company dealing in the “distressed debt market.” They profit from foreclosures and bankruptcies. Avenue Capital was a big political donor to the Clintons.

Marc Lasry, the CEO of Avenue, was quoted recently as saying the subprime mortgage debacle was simply “great” for business.
Oh, you can be hypocritical when you aren't running for office? :D Uh, er, OK - if you say so.

1 show me her opinion, not her moms and dads, or all you can say is she does not agree with her parents.
2.Guess what , its not her fault they are going under, and someone needs to do that job. Do you even know what her job in the company is? no I bet not, so you don't really have a clue. Maybe her job is in helping those effected? Last I checked they are not Commies, so get to make profit and not be hypocrites.
1 show me her opinion, not her moms and dads, or all you can say is she does not agree with her parents.

Uh, she campaigned for her lib mom - or did I just imagine that? :o

2.Guess what , its not her fault they are going under, and someone needs to do that job. Do you even know what her job in the company is? no I bet not, so you don't really have a clue. Maybe her job is in helping those effected? Last I checked they are not Commies, so get to make profit and not be hypocrites.

Yaaaaa - the "mortgage crisis" has been a staple of democrat propaganda-for-idiots as caused by the republicans, but when a lib cashes in on it, suddenly it's "someone needs to do the job (cash in)", and "maybe she's not cashing in (:))" and "they're just making a profit". Now substitute Haliburton for Chelsea Clinton in all that. :D
You keep evading - when it was in the news, it was on the list of "republican caused problems". Now that Chelsea is exposed, suddenly it "doesn't matter". :D

Quote me saying that Republicans caused the Housing market to crash, or Foreclosures...I want to see it. You really have so little ammo you need to go after clinton's daughter and a view I have never stated?

sometimes I think you are a liberal just out to give the right a bad name.
Quote me saying that Republicans caused the Housing market to crash, or Foreclosures...I want to see it. You really have so little ammo you need to go after clinton's daughter and a view I have never stated?

sometimes I think you are a liberal just out to give the right a bad name.

Did I say YOU? No, I said "libs". Read what's there in the future, OK? :rolleyes: