Chicago mayor blames every one but the right ones.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Lets face the truth Joe Biden created this situation along with mayors and Governors who declare their city sanctuary city's and . Sanctuary city s are a magnet . Republicans did not want them here and did not want sanctuary city's.
As I have said so many time Liberals are pretty stupid , They ignore the possible conclusions to their actions and policy's.
Then they realize how bad they screwed up and try to blame others for their mistakes and the outcome of their own decisions.
I have seen this kind of stupidly for decades and it part of why I switched party's.

Lets face the truth Joe Biden created this situation along with mayors and Governors who declare their city sanctuary city's and . Sanctuary city s are a magnet . Republicans did not want them here and did not want sanctuary city's.
As I have said so many time Liberals are pretty stupid , They ignore the possible conclusions to their actions and policy's.
Then they realize how bad they screwed up and try to blame others for their mistakes and the outcome of their own decisions.
I have seen this kind of stupidly for decades and it part of why I switched party's.
Stupid policies will always be stupid and those who originally proposed the stupidity still seem ignorant of the fact that they rejected available wisdom at the time of their original stupid proposals.