Congressman: Dollar Could Collapse To Absolute Zero


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Congressman: Dollar Could Collapse To Absolute Zero
Presidential candidate Ron Paul warns of coming global economic depression

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, October 8, 2007

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has made a dire prediction that the dollar could collapse to absolute zero - precipitating hyper inflation, soaring oil prices and a global economic depression if current policies are continued.

"Once they realize the American people have awakened to the con game that's been going on - I think those people running the banking and monetary system aren't going to be too happy," Paul told the Alex Jones Show on Friday.

The Texas Congressman forecasts that if current policies are prolonged, the dollar could crash all the way to nothing and be forced to start over.

"If Bush is foolish enough to start bombing Iran, that might precipitate such a crisis as oil going to $200 dollars a barrel and really dampening the enthusiasm of the whole dollar," said Paul.

"If they continue what they're doing, it's gonna go to zero, we're gonna have runaway inflation, all paper currencies eventually self-destruct and are ruined, and we're in uncharted waters right now - this is the first time in the history of man you've had no solid currencies around the world and this has been going on for 35 years."

Paul agreed that elitists would seize upon a global depression by posing as the saviors and offering more control, police state and big government as the solution.

"This was the whole thing that started in the last depression," said Paul, "Scare people to death instead of blaming the Federal Reserve for the depression and the financial bubble of the 20's, they said 'well capitalism failed, it was that stupid gold standard', therefore we have to have welfare and of course everything they did prolonged the depression."

Paul said his warnings about the impending collapse of the U.S. economy, which stretch back years, were helping his campaign gain credibility due to the unfolding crises in the market and the credit crunch.

"When the people understand how the Fed screws up the economy and causes all the bubbles and all the changes that have to come from that, I'm getting a lot more calls," said Paul.

The Congressman also discussed the continued success of his campaign and the establishment's attempts to stifle its importance.

The presidential candidate said the reason that the Democrats and Republicans are trying to speed up the primaries is because they don't like competition from third party and grass roots candidates and are trying to prevent them from gaining traction.

"The move right now is to try to close the primaries - do you think they're sincere when they say they want to have a big tent and invite new people in? They can invite a lot of new people in but they don't want constitutionalists evidently because they want to make it tough to vote in a Republican primary," said the Congressman.

"It confirms the fact that the control of this whole system has been one party so to speak, it's one group of people that control both parties and right now I think the people are getting disgusted with it and they're starting to wake up," he added.

The Congressman stated that the popularity of his campaign outstripped even his expectations and slammed the establishment networks for attempting to skew Paul as a fringe candidate.

"It doesn't discourage our supporters, it enrages them," said Paul, "They always claimed that there were just a few of us out there that cared and that they were bloggers manipulating the Internet - well you can't manipulate to the point where you get 35,000 new donors who average about $40 dollars a piece and raise $5 million dollars and outpace many of the other candidates."

Paul said the other candidates had initially tried to ignore his platform, before ridiculing it, to the point where they are now being forced to adopt constitutionalist rhetoric in order to compete with his burgeoning popularity.
If the dollar hits rock bottom, the whole word is going to collapse. This is just fear mongering aimed directly at Americans.
While I dont think realistically the dollar will go to zero value. It has not been doing well compared to the other major currencies as of late. I would say it is probably wise to base the value of our currency on something more than the faith that it is worth something. Im not suggesting going back to the gold standard, but perhaps a combination of several commodoties. Because at the rate we are going and the debt being bought by foreign powers whose best interests are not ours, that is a bit troublesome.
Yeah it is actually.

Unlike you mate, I can balance myself between not believeing everything the government tells me, and everything that conspiracy lovers tell me. You seem to hop on all the left wing conspiracy/impending doom bandwagons.

Sure, due to the sub prime morgage market etc, hard times are coming up for the world economy, but I cant see the dollar hitting rock bottom.
Yeah it is actually.

Unlike you mate, I can balance myself between not believeing everything the government tells me, and everything that conspiracy lovers tell me. You seem to hop on all the left wing conspiracy/impending doom bandwagons.

Sure, due to the sub prime morgage market etc, hard times are coming up for the world economy, but I cant see the dollar hitting rock bottom.

I just want to point out that Ron Paul is a right leaning guy, but that is niether here nor there. I dont think it will go to zero either. That is unless the Saudi's and China decide to screw us over by cashing in thier purchased debt and investments in this country. But noooo....that hasnt happened before, those allies of ours wouldnt think of bringing harm to this country.
I'm not talking about Ron Paul at all. I quite like Ron Paul. I think he is possibly the best candidate.

I'm talking about keepourfreedoms. He hopped on the 9/11 conspiracy theory bandwagons, and I think hes just jumped onto the dollar collapse doomsday one. I think economic depression is ahead, but I don't think the dollar wil reach rock bottom.
I think recession is probably ahead, but all out depression is something under quality leadership, which we seem to lack right now in my opinion is less likely than a simple recession. Which no doubt will hurt folks. But the US does need to minimize its debt, especially that held by foreign governments who are only our paper allies. Such as China and the Saudis. We need to scale back our spending, especially war time expenditures, and focus on the home front.
No, you need to worry about the sub prime mortgage market. We are starting to see it boil over, like Northern Rock bank.