Do you think that the news media has the goal of destroying America's use of oil, and returning us to the stone age?
Liberals in general.
$80 a barrel sounds pretty cheap by today's standards, and it seems likely that the price could go down when the volume goes up.
You are thinking way short term. Broaden your view of oil prices and you'll find that the price of crude oil has only been over $80/per barrel since Nov of '07. This means that this plant has only been profitable for aprox: 8 months. Again, if the price drops the plant ends up closed. There is absolutely no promise or guarantee that prices will remain high or low, or anything.
Even now we have private citizens drilling their own wells in their back yard, pumping oil. If this continues the crude oil will flood the market, and prices will drop like a rock.
Further, the only way that increasing volume, reduces costs, is by reducing profit margin. This plant can't reduce profit margin. They are barely making it as is.
Finely, they can't increase volume as it stand currently. The reason is because they don't have a variable fuel source. If your fuel is oil, you just dig more wells. If it's wood, you just chop more trees. If you need Iron or Tin or some metal, there's tons of it, just purchase more.
But In this case, the fuel source is animal waste from a turkey or live stock slaughter house. You simply can't get more fuel from them, than they churn out in a day. Further, you can't order from across the nation because shipping the waste to your plant costs big $$ that cuts into profits, which is why they located the plant right next to the slaughter house.
I wonder what might happen if the feds were to stop subsidizing corn ethanol, and use the money to fund research into the process of making oil out of waste?
Nothing. Research into alternative fuels of this nature, are already privately funded. This odd idea that tossing more money at it, will fix everything, is a farce. Further, they are already subsidized according to both articles. So they are already being funded, and nothing more is happening. Which makes my point.
Further, all subsidies should be ended anyway, it's unconstitutional.