Like said before cut military spending, but in a realistic way pull out of Iraq. Those emergency spending bills aren't listed in the original budget and really screw over the revenue/spending ratio. Also, with a push for cutting the military size we lose a lot of pork barrel spending. That in itself is a huge amount, so not only does the military efficiency increase, but the efficiency of congress.
From there the government shifts towards the Massachusetts styled health care sytstem of giving people the ability to seek checkups. This cuts down on those emergency surgeries, saves the taxpayer money, and saves people's lives.
We need to legalize and regulate drugs. Plain and simple we will never beat drugs unless we destroy ourselves completely. It is time for the government to step in and regulate them through pharmacies charging variable taxes on different levels of drugs. A pack of blunts for $20 with a $15 tax to make it $20. That in itself is an enormous amount of revenue, and no change in the drug user percentage here in the U.S.
10% flat tax. Plain and simple. It isn't so much just for the rich and this is why. The poor work multiple jobs to supply their families with enough money to put food on the table and pay the rent. If you can give some of the money they make back then you give the poor the ability to not live a life of slavery where they are forced into working 16 hours a day. In the new free time they can help their children in school, or be that parent they always wanted to be. What you get from that is a generation of kids that are more highly educated, and better people in that they don't committ as many crimes out of having hope from a society of hope given to them by their parents being there when they need them. It's easy to see that this highly skilled work force will then lead an expansion in the sectors that foreign competitors cannot compeet with as well, and in the end we avoid class struggles with the problem of offshoring.
Protect the borders. Simply put we need to protect the borders to protect Americans who work at the lower echelons of the wage scale. This surplus of labor in the blue collared sector drives wages down, and does stemm inflation, but not without increasing crime, and pulling test scores in schools down preventing the educational program mentioned above from doing well. Also add the reality of the massive social costs put on medical and infrastructure in general of this massive group.
Lastly, energy independence or something close to it. We need to become a lot more efficient in our usage of energy simply on the reality that 2/3 of our trade deficit is based on oil imports. Government should give tax credits for purchases of hybrids, and bring the flee minimum mpg up quickly to force Detroit to change. It is Detroit's laziness that screwed them right now. Also included in this is a massive expansion in solar, nuclear and wind power. Lower costs to consumers means more disposable income, and increased revenue. And last but not least, free but fair trade. Our relationships with countries are ridiculous as we allow countries to import as they wish, but they limit our exports. This system must end, as well as the Chinese stranglehold over their currency's value.
There are a couple points.