definition of a recession are we in one

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

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noun: recession; plural noun: recessions
  1. 1.
    a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
    "the country is in the depths of a recession"
    Well the gdp has fallen 2 quarters in a row

    Well dementia joey and his posse of clowns keep redefining words such as recession crime terrorist work place violence cheating lying etc to suit their needs in order to avoid the truth . You see liberal poster do it here all the time.thrers a chance it wonyt last long but with prices sky rocketing and biden spending money faster then a crack whore who just found a suit case full of 100.00 dollar bills I cant say for sure . we all have less money to spend and that affects the gdp inflation and sooner or latter peoples employment .
Well as long as the unemployment numbers are low it just eats the ultra rich are seeing a downturn. Which doesn't bother me much.
When you realize most of the economic gains over the last few years went into billionaires pocket you will realize that this isn't that bad after all.
A recession is defined by the NBER as a “significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” The organization takes into account many factors, including GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and consumer spending, in its determination.

i love making you look stupid.

the dictionary doesn't define an economic recession, NBER I've posted over and over and over to you. lol
A recession is defined by the NBER as a “significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” The organization takes into account many factors, including GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and consumer spending, in its determination.

i love making you look stupid.

the dictionary doesn't define an economic recession, NBER I've posted over and over and over to you. lol
You the guy who redefined the meaning 9f criminal . tell us how many sexs are there ?
what does sexes have to do with the official definition of a recession?


your attempt to deflect is pathetic.

and where was my definition of "criminal" wrong? you think a "criminal" is someone CHARGED with a crime. that's wrong. duh
what does sexes have to do with the official definition of a recession?


your attempt to deflect is pathetic.

and where was my definition of "criminal" wrong? you think a "criminal" is someone CHARGED with a crime. that's wrong. duh
daaa democrats define the things to meet their needs and agenda and lies like you do. Democrat have redefined the amount of genders we have also . They do so to please special interest groups that support them mostly perverts in my opinion . thats why it is mentioned . just as how biden is redefining a recession to meet his needs . granted its a mild recession right now but additional spending and new taxes he has planned will make it decline more. At first the spending will fuel the economy then inflation will go up again especially after the new taxes hes lying about kick in .
Your problem is your not honest with your self and are on the defensive , your a democrat first and a American second or third or forth
no, i posted the official definition.

sorry if facts make you look stupid, once more. lol.

"The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is generally recognized as the authority that defines the starting and ending dates of U.S. recessions. NBER has its own definition of what constitutes a recession, namely “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.”"

but i'm happy to make you look stupid, once more :)