derelic destroyers

Is that why you're so illiterate and uninformed?

LOL!!! The new member kinda sounds like someone we know...Just adding to the previous anti-Semitism with other more 'basic' racist ideologies for more 'flavor'? Think they called a bud of theirs to spam the board here with more racist posts?
No, I think its the same rather sad individual who has nothing better to do than continously register new accounts just to post the same old drivel, with some kind of deluded mindset that believes four lines and a link are truely going to change someones opinions and make them like him.
No, I think its the same rather sad individual who has nothing better to do than continously register new accounts just to post the same old drivel, with some kind of deluded mindset that believes four lines and a link are truely going to change someones opinions and make them like him.

Omigosh, I hope so! It's frightening to think there could be any significant number with this imbecilic mindset... And ignorant hatred.
30 minutes and 5 posts (3 were deleted) before being banned. Is that a new record?
he was cussing out our forum leaders in a most junior-high school kind of way. Making him look like a fool is just too easy so there's no sport in it.
He's already been banned on three other accounts, for starting threads like 'these moderaters have no balls' or something. I agree, I just don't see the fun it, I like a challenge.