Did the Secret service jump the gun?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Legally yes they did as no ones life or safety was not in danger.
maybe a Biden lap top or some pics of her or another Biden naked would be about it.
I am not going to "jump the gun" in speculating on what might have been the circumstances, but I could imagine the agents being several yards away and running towards three stationary bad guys could be fatal if they spotted you and had a gun.

Shooting into the air stops their attempted badness and disperses them into the wind and might be the least threatening alternative to innocents.

Just a possibility.

I am not going to "jump the gun" in speculating on what might have been the circumstances, but I could imagine the agents being several yards away and running towards three stationary bad guys could be fatal if they spotted you and had a gun.

Shooting into the air stops their attempted badness and disperses them into the wind and might be the least threatening alternative to innocents.

Just a possibility.

Shooting in the air is a bad thing bullets have to come down , and in the city that very well could kill a person. Mo mention of the crooks having a gun.I am willing to bet that the 3 armed agents probably scared the shat out of them.
right wing idiot finds yet another reason to criticize something related to the bidens.
what a surprise. or not.

TAT has no probem with isreal bombing babies, but firing a warning shot is wrong? wow. just wow.
right wing idiot finds yet another reason to criticize something related to the bidens.
what a surprise. or not.

TAT has no probem with isreal bombing babies, but firing a warning shot is wrong? wow. just wow.
Yes first off lug nut a warning shot is Illegal and dangerous as it has to come down.
The only reason to have fired would have been defend them selves or others.I would have lost my job for doing that.
As for Isreal defending it's self from monsters who raped women and children both dead and alive beheaded baby's burned baby's execution of 1200 people.All while high on drugs.
And Gaza celebrated .
Isreal is not celebrating the death of people in Gaza and have tried to limit it.hamas has responded and will attack again
right wing idiot finds yet another reason to criticize something related to the bidens.
what a surprise. or not.

TAT has no probem with isreal bombing babies, but firing a warning shot is wrong? wow. just wow.
Democrats did not move to protect Kavanaugh until it was almost too late. Maybe their feelings of guilt prompted them to react too early to Biden's privileged white granddaughter's chauffer's dilemma.

Yes first off lug nut a warning shot is Illegal and dangerous as it has to come down.
The only reason to have fired would have been defend them selves or others.I would have lost my job for doing that.
As for Isreal defending it's self from monsters who raped women and children both dead and alive beheaded baby's burned baby's execution of 1200 people.All while high on drugs.
And Gaza celebrated .
Isreal is not celebrating the death of people in Gaza and have tried to limit it.hamas has responded and will attack again

wow, you're worried a warning shot COULD BE "dangerous" and yet you support isreal bombing babies.
wow. just wow.
what a disgusting human being you are.
kavanaugh, and a cartoon? lol. the usual stupidity from you.
Merrick Garland utterly failed to protect conservative SCOTUS justices under threat while focusing on empty threats against whiney-faced leftist Democrats claiming they were in danger from Republicans.
Merrick Garland utterly failed to protect conservative SCOTUS justices under threat while focusing on empty threats against whiney-faced leftist Democrats claiming they were in danger from Republicans.
which has nothing to do with this topic.
you are a whiney faced right wing poster.
wow, you're worried a warning shot COULD BE "dangerous" and yet you support isreal bombing babies.
wow. just wow.
what a disgusting human being you are.
Yes lug nut A shot in the air is illegal dumb ass because it can come down and hurt or Israel is another story you must not care that Gaza residents killed 1200 people burned baby's alive and beheaded then raped children and women even. raping the dead while high on drugs kidnapped well over 200 people. You care about them .
Derath inwar happens you knw that and are low enought to use that just like haas uses lies,
Yes lug nut A shot in the air is illegal dumb ass because it can come down and hurt or Israel is another story you must not care that Gaza residents killed 1200 people burned baby's alive and beheaded then raped children and women even. raping the dead while high on drugs kidnapped well over 200 people. You care about them .
Derath inwar happens you knw that and are low enought to use that just like haas uses lies,

so the secret service should be charged with a crime? shooting in this case was illegal? quote the law they broke.

and no, isreal is not "another story", in that you are whining about a bullet "might" come down and injure someone, and yet you cheer on bombing babies. disgusting
so the secret service should be charged with a crime? shooting in this case was illegal? quote the law they broke.

and no, isreal is not "another story", in that you are whining about a bullet "might" come down and injure someone, and yet you cheer on bombing babies. disgusting
Lol war is war and Israel is not targeting baby's like Hamas and you know it . Just one of your leftists lies like Hamas uses.
Israel is trying to remove Hamas so they can no longer commit such atrocity's that would have embarrassed death camp workers in Hermany in ww2 .