All bias against any group, subset, minority, majority, or group, is based on a) an over generalization on some stereotypes created by the behavior of someone of that group b) conflicting religious beliefs c) dislike of a group due to disparity between economic standing d) conflicting political ideology or the broad spectrum e) ignorance and egocentrism... There really is no "good" reason to hate any group of people, some PEOPLE are easy to dislike but to like all of his kind, such as all teachers because one of your when you were younger gave you a D on an assuredly A paper, or all store clerks because one at the lil 7-11 down the street ripped you off for a couple dollars of change, I mean those examples sound ridiculous, but thats no different than any other group, a group is nothing more than the comparison of a number of individuals as a whole based on a similar trait, whatever that trait is... Racism is the way of the ignorant, just like the people who have such a hard on for not letting homosexuals live their lives peaceably (uhm...excuse the pun).. or those who hate the jewish.. It's really a sad state when these idiots can't even see their own idiocy..