Dutch cartoonist arrested for 'insulting people


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
In case you didn't already know, or guess, the "people" insulted are Muslims. Surprised?

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A Dutch political cartoonist was arrested this week on suspicion of insulting people because of their race or religion through his work, authorities said Friday.

The cartoonist, who works under the pseudonym Gregorius Nekschot, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of violating hate speech laws and held overnight before being released, a spokeswoman for his publisher Uitgeverij Xtra said.


In case you were wondering, here is a link to the cartoons that brought on the arrest:


Those same actions will be coming to America sooner than you think. Actually, California will probably lead the way.
Thoughts: Yeah. The days of being able to say what isn't government sanctioned is over.

Second thought: I'm really glad that I have a working brain and couldn't care less what people that I don't know call me. Personally, I think that anyone who can't handle being called a name, regardless of ANYTHING, is a human being to be pitied. And I do.
Everybody needs a sense of humour regardless of faith, creed, colour...whatever. Jeeeez if you can't have a laugh then you can't be human..

if you can't have a laugh then you can't be human..
unfortunately there are a lot of people on this planet that aren't so concerned with being human in this life, choosing instead to bet on the next one.
Your facts to back up that opinion are?

Libs have done a number of things that are in this category:

- Tried to resurrect the "fairness doctrine" to shut down conservative talk radio.

- Implement speech codes at universities to prohibit un-PC speech

- Support hate crime legislation to penalize people for what they think
There are already "Humans Relations Commissions" at the local level in several major cities, such as the one that's dragging a restaurant owner through the ringer for posting an "English Only" sign.
Ah yes, those oh-so-tolerant muslims living in the even-more-so-tolerant ultra-liberal europe. Why would you ever expect them to complain about something?

I like how you can get arrested now for "insulting" someone. Hmm...by that logic, i should have gotten the electric chair about 100 times by now.
I dont find many Christians any that much more tolerant overall. I can only guess at how pissed people would be if a major cartoon in like the NY times, ripped on Jesus as a murder or something. Arrested no? but that's based on the law, not on the Tolerance of Christians.

Yaaaaaaaa - Christians go around all the time shouting "kill the infidel!". :D
Yaaaaaaaa - Christians go around all the time shouting "kill the infidel!". :D

You mean they don't? Well, e-x-c-u-u-u-s-e me. Well, maybe you don't include Ron Parsley or John Hagee, or Pat Buchanan into that mix of "Christians." I sure have heard a whole lot of hollering about "slaying the enemies of God," who can only be anyone is a non-Christian.
That's more than half the population of the world. We got ourselves a real problem here. We gotta kill 'em all? Guess so.
We either kill 'em all, or we all get killed and then the Rapture is the next big step up. Gotta love it....
You mean they don't? Well, e-x-c-u-u-u-s-e me. Well, maybe you don't include Ron Parsley or John Hagee, or Pat Buchanan into that mix of "Christians." I sure have heard a whole lot of hollering about "slaying the enemies of God," who can only be anyone is a non-Christian.
That's more than half the population of the world. We got ourselves a real problem here. We gotta kill 'em all? Guess so.
We either kill 'em all, or we all get killed and then the Rapture is the next big step up. Gotta love it....

Oh really? Give me quotes from credible sources that they called upon their co-religionists to kill people of other religions. I'm guessing you won't. :D
Libs have done a number of things that are in this category:

- Tried to resurrect the "fairness doctrine" to shut down conservative talk radio.

- Implement speech codes at universities to prohibit un-PC speech

- Support hate crime legislation to penalize people for what they think

The term "lib" has already been shown to be a meaningless buzzword on this forum.

The so called "fairness doctrine" is clearly a violation of the first amendment, and has no chance at all of becoming law.

Speech codes at universities? Well, it has been a long time, but I can remember universities being hotbeds of free speech. Have things really changed that much?

Hate crime legislation is about crimes, not about speech.
I dont find many Christians any that much more tolerant overall. I can only guess at how pissed people would be if a major cartoon in like the NY times, ripped on Jesus as a murder or something. Arrested no? but that's based on the law, not on the Tolerance of Christians.

There is a world of difference between individuals making intolerant statements and a government (or local gov or university) making intolerant rules against intolerance. Hmmm? Should they arrest themselves?