even queers will not drink queer beer

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

I guess they will not be happy until bud lite is marketed as queer beer and run out of business.

Bud has republican and independent real men mad at it and democrat queer men are now and because its not queer enough and the trans demoracts cnt make up their minds .
Talk about a hard problem to solve , they are screwed . Seems only the street bum alcoholics are on buds side .
Bud has been trying to give free beer away and is having a problem doing that also.
Talk about a company making the biggest bone headed stupid marketing decision in the history of marketing history ever !!!!!!
talk about stupid only a woke democrat could do that and she's now looking for work . Probably find a job in Missouri they are not to smart there .

even the queers do not like queer beer its a n win for buds stupidity and a win for democrats stupidty
Boris and Ricky Retardo will you support queer beer or not ?
And at least as far as boris is concerned I understand you do not have to be gay to support it in fact many gay groups xo not support it.
Like the man said it took 20 years to build the brand and one woke demon crapper destroy it in a week with their woke thinking .

Do you know what woke means in relation to this thread?