Scientific Analysis Proves Towers Brought Down By Incendiaries—
I've been skeptical of the way the World Trade Center fell for a long time now. It just didn't seem logical for them to collapse, especially not in such a controlled way, from the airplane impacts and subsequent fires.
The incendiary found at the scene is called thermate, a derivative of thermite. Having read The Anarchist Cookbook, I am already a little familiar with thermite, which can be made at home by just about anyone with two hands, half a brain, and access to rust and aluminum. Thermate apparently differs in that it contains sulfur to assist in burning through steel more quickly.
This discovery creates more doubt about the official story of Sept. 11, which is already full of gaping holes. Had the attacks of that day been investigated with the same thoroughness as any other serious crime, we would have known about the thermate long ago. Instead we must learn of it almost five years and two major wars later from an "underground" source who will almost certainly be ignored.
And speaking of things that are underground, it would be wise to check for thermate damage in the underground structures that were below the WTC. That stuff burns hot enough to take down the Twin Towers and then burn straight into the sewers and subways. No wonder the Cortlandt Street subway stop (situated directly under the WTC site) hasn't reopened yet; it's probably half melted and unusable.
So...what else is hiding in the rubble?
I've been skeptical of the way the World Trade Center fell for a long time now. It just didn't seem logical for them to collapse, especially not in such a controlled way, from the airplane impacts and subsequent fires.
The incendiary found at the scene is called thermate, a derivative of thermite. Having read The Anarchist Cookbook, I am already a little familiar with thermite, which can be made at home by just about anyone with two hands, half a brain, and access to rust and aluminum. Thermate apparently differs in that it contains sulfur to assist in burning through steel more quickly.
This discovery creates more doubt about the official story of Sept. 11, which is already full of gaping holes. Had the attacks of that day been investigated with the same thoroughness as any other serious crime, we would have known about the thermate long ago. Instead we must learn of it almost five years and two major wars later from an "underground" source who will almost certainly be ignored.
And speaking of things that are underground, it would be wise to check for thermate damage in the underground structures that were below the WTC. That stuff burns hot enough to take down the Twin Towers and then burn straight into the sewers and subways. No wonder the Cortlandt Street subway stop (situated directly under the WTC site) hasn't reopened yet; it's probably half melted and unusable.
So...what else is hiding in the rubble?