Ex-cop plans 'Never Get Busted Again' video


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Former Texas agent teaches how to hide, stash, and fool drug officers

Arkansas - An ex-Texas narcotics officer, once hailed as one of the top drug agents in the country, reveals his "secrets" in a recently released DVD.

Its claim: to help marijuana users "never get busted again."

The controversial video's made big bucks, and has generated some big talk nationwide. Barry Cooper says he thinks it should be legal to smoke marijuana. Now, he's on a mission to keep people from getting caught with pot.

This renegade cop claims he'll tell you how to store your marijuana, where to stash your hash while on the road and even how to throw off the drug dogs.

Barry Cooper says he feels compassion for the more-than 750-thousand Americans arrested on marijuana charges each year.


Im all for this!!! FINALY A EX COP ADMITS LAWS ARE WRONG N STUPID IN AMERICA!! Its about fighting them to get them changed. I need an Ex cop teach me how to break the Speed limits and not get caught by State Troopers.Im willing to pay $30 how to break the Speed Limit to help the guy get the national speed limit law changed to 75MPH instead og 55-65 in some states.Plus how to get away from getting a Seat Belt Violation.Because i belive in the consitution its says ""THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE
I did read about that. Seems pretty interesting to me.

But about the Seat Belt Law thing... while I'm all for the right to choose, I don't think we should allow young children to choose. I have no desire to lose my future child in a car accident because they didn't want to wear it.
If there's a minimum age you can legally injest alcoholic beverages, why can't there be a minimum age you can legally injest pot? Legalizing (or re-legalizing) alcohol didn't lead to a huge wave of underaged drinking, so it would stand to reason that a rescheduling and regulating of marijuana similar to how we handle alcohol wouldn't lead to masses of school kids puffing away.

The rescheduling of marijuana would save us a bundle in tax dollars and bring in a tidy sum in tax revenues.
That's one cop I've got to respect. A tad opportunistic, but then again, isn't that free enterprise in a nutshell?
All hes doing is try to get the Laws changed. Lets Face it,, Slavery was once a law and people fought against it.Prohabiton was once a law and people fought against it. Segretgation was once a law and people fought against it. And we want smoking pot leagalized too.
Former Texas agent teaches how to hide, stash, and fool drug officers

Arkansas - An ex-Texas narcotics officer, once hailed as one of the top drug agents in the country, reveals his "secrets" in a recently released DVD.

Its claim: to help marijuana users "never get busted again."

The controversial video's made big bucks, and has generated some big talk nationwide. Barry Cooper says he thinks it should be legal to smoke marijuana. Now, he's on a mission to keep people from getting caught with pot.

This renegade cop claims he'll tell you how to store your marijuana, where to stash your hash while on the road and even how to throw off the drug dogs.

Barry Cooper says he feels compassion for the more-than 750-thousand Americans arrested on marijuana charges each year.


Im all for this!!! FINALY A EX COP ADMITS LAWS ARE WRONG N STUPID IN AMERICA!! Its about fighting them to get them changed. I need an Ex cop teach me how to break the Speed limits and not get caught by State Troopers.Im willing to pay $30 how to break the Speed Limit to help the guy get the national speed limit law changed to 75MPH instead og 55-65 in some states.Plus how to get away from getting a Seat Belt Violation.Because i belive in the consitution its says ""THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE

Drugs are a different story entirely versus the seatbelt and speed limitations. As an Ex-EMT, let me speak from experience. Speed kills, the difference in a collision at 55mph vs 75mph is EXPONENTIAL, and what you DON'T HAVE is the ability to make the choice for others that you may harm with excessive speeds. Seatbelts, I suppose if you want to play a darwin wager, go right ahead, however I'm all for you being fined and bludgeoned a bit if you so much as choose to ride unbelted in a vehicle with so much as a single passenger. The passenger is very often injured in a secondary collision from an unbelted person after an accident. The human body weighing in at somewhere in the 120-300lb range depending if you're petite and womanly or if you gorge on blended swine fat. Your head typically however will weigh in at around 8lbs. An 8lb object at 50mph coming to a sudden stop against another 8lb object is quite a collision, if it's a larger portion of airborne body mass being flung into said passenger, you can raise that kinetic energy on up there. The forces in such cases are extreme with dire consequences. So no my friend you do NOT have the choice to buckle up or not, because you cannot make the choice for others safety.

I have worked 3 wrecks in which secondary body collision was attributed to the death of restrained passengers. 1 ended in the loss of two children buckled in the back seat when the fater was thrown on top of them and fractured their skulls. Another a child lost his mother when the father (who survived) was inverted and his leg broke her neck during a secondary collision during a roll over. The third a teenager killed his girlfriend and had he not made close personal friends with the windshield, likely himself, when his head collided with hers fracturing her skull.
Hey No one force you to Drive a car.No one put a gun to your head and say youre gonna get your drivers license. You chose to drive and you are aware the dangers of being on the road. Do we have a COP in here? Or an Ex Cop if so let me ask you this.Did anyone force you to become a police officer? So You knew the dangers of that job becoming a police officer.It goes with the territory. Just like playing a game of Football is very Dangerous. I Love playing football i know the dangers when i step on that playing field and hammering somebody.
Did someone force you to eat burgers cooked in a certain way to a level at which you became diabetic?

No, so stop shifting the blame to other people and accordingly take responsibility for your own life, like you are telling this person nobody forced them to drive a car.
Well its that persons business if he or she wanna smoke a joint. Someone smoking weed does no harm to others compared to rapists and murderers.Why should someone go to prison just because he or she smokes weed and risk getting raped or stabbed inside a cell? Wanna know why the goverment releasing Child sexual preditors and rapist out of prison on a early release? To make room for people who smoke weed n pot.
Did someone force you to eat burgers cooked in a certain way to a level at which you became diabetic?

No, so stop shifting the blame to other people and accordingly take responsibility for your own life, like you are telling this person nobody forced them to drive a car.

At what point does caveat emptor break down? Are people buying poisoned dog food from a Chinese supplier at fault for not doing lab tests to prove the food's safety? How far do we take this? I think this is another one of the subjects that will require finding a balance somewhere--but how? We are an interdependent society and no one can do the epidemiological studies on the drugs their doctor prescribes, the stress tests on their car tires, the structural engineering studies on the foundation of the high-rise building in which they work, the safety inspection on the elevators, and the daily sample testing on their drinking water. We have to be able to trust a system that does much of that for us and is held legally responsible for doing so correctly. Otherwise we cannot live in a civilization, if there is no social contract, no public trust, then we are at best house-broken animals living in hi-tech anarchy.
We must have new laws on stricter food policy. Like Cook burgers the right and healthy way,Not by cooking it the wrong and greasy fatty way.