Gaza descends into biblical famine

of course they rejected it..

basically, the palestinians got all the deserts, apart from the negev ( consider why ) and the zionists got almost all the arable land

it was a typical WarParty invention designed to keep two groups at each other's throats

like north and south cyprus, north and south korea, east and west germany, etc etc etc

"The plan’s detractors considered the proposed plan to be pro-Zionist, with 56%[9] of the land allocated to the Jewish state although the Palestinian Arab population numbered twice the Jewish population.[10] The plan was celebrated by most Jews in Palestine[11] and reluctantly[12] accepted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine with misgivings.[13][8] Zionist leaders, in particular David Ben-Gurion, viewed the acceptance of the plan as a tactical step and a stepping stone to future territorial expansion over all of Palestine.[14][15][16][17][18][19]

The Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and governments rejected it, as in addition to the Arabs forming a two-thirds majority, they owned a majority of the lands.[20][21] They also indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division,[22] arguing that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.[8][23] They announced their intention to take all necessary measures to prevent the implementation of the resolution.[24][25][26][27] Subsequently, a civil war broke out in Palestine,[28] and the plan was not implemented.[29]

comrade stalin
gaza famine is still the issue
If Arabs had a gripe about how the UN divided the land why did they attack Israel instead of the UN?
You are ignorant, and also incapable of any form of rational thought.

You cannot deny that over 35000 people have been killed, most of them non combatants, over half women and children.
You are ignorant, and also incapable of any form of rational thought.

You cannot deny that over 35000 people have been killed, most of them non combatants, over half women and children.
Yes, the wars brought on by Middle Eastern terrorists have resulted in tragic deaths.

"..For weeks, the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city, Rafah, was one of the few places where desperate Gazans could find some aid and food. Bakeries sold bread; fuel powered generators; markets were open, if expensive.
But since Israeli forces began an incursion in the city this month — effectively closing the two main crossings where aid enters — Rafah has become a place of fear and dwindling supplies. Bakeries have shuttered. So have malnutrition treatment centers. The price of the firewood that many people now use to cook has doubled. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers have grown so expensive that they are sold by the piece, not by the kilogram.

Families hide what canned goods they still have. They eye their emptying sacks of flour, calculating how long they will last.
“There’s always something missing in the tent,” said Ahmed Abu al-Kas, 51, who is sheltering in Rafah with his family. “If we have bread, we don’t have water. If we have firewood, we don’t have some basic vegetables.”

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comrade stalin
gaza famine is still the issue

"..For weeks, the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city, Rafah, was one of the few places where desperate Gazans could find some aid and food. Bakeries sold bread; fuel powered generators; markets were open, if expensive.
But since Israeli forces began an incursion in the city this month — effectively closing the two main crossings where aid enters — Rafah has become a place of fear and dwindling supplies. Bakeries have shuttered. So have malnutrition treatment centers. The price of the firewood that many people now use to cook has doubled. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers have grown so expensive that they are sold by the piece, not by the kilogram.

Families hide what canned goods they still have. They eye their emptying sacks of flour, calculating how long they will last.
“There’s always something missing in the tent,” said Ahmed Abu al-Kas, 51, who is sheltering in Rafah with his family. “If we have bread, we don’t have water. If we have firewood, we don’t have some basic vegetables.”

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comrade stalin
gaza famine is still the issue
Yes, the city of Rafah, home of the biggest and most advanced underground truck tunnels for transporting tons of deadly bombs and devices each day into the hands of terrorists bunkered there.
Yes, the city of Rafah, home of the biggest and most advanced underground truck tunnels for transporting tons of deadly bombs and devices each day into the hands of terrorists bunkered there.
Why assume that trucks carrying food and medicine into Gaza are also carrying bombs and other weapons right past the Israelis that surely examine every truck carefully. Do you actually believe that semi trucks were ever entering Gaza through tunnels?
Why assume that trucks carrying food and medicine into Gaza are also carrying bombs and other weapons right past the Israelis that surely examine every truck carefully. Do you actually believe that semi trucks were ever entering Gaza through tunnels?
He would. That's how paranoid he is. Absolutely brain dead.
Why assume that trucks carrying food and medicine into Gaza are also carrying bombs and other weapons right past the Israelis that surely examine every truck carefully. Do you actually believe that semi trucks were ever entering Gaza through tunnels?
The bombs are not coming into Gaza above ground but in hidden underground tunnels. Israel has gone into Gaza to destroy those WMD weapons transportation networks.
If Arabs had a gripe about how the UN divided the land why did they attack Israel instead of the UN?
Tell us how one would have gone about attacking the UN in 1948.
The Israelis are pretty incompetent at finding Hamas weapons. Gaza is tiny and Israel has air superiority over Hamas and has had it for the past five months.

Do you actually believe that the food trucks entering Gaza now are carrying weapons? Israel clearly inspects everything that enters Gaza.
Well, that is not entirely true. Your ONLY purpose is to humiliate, demean, and abolish faith. But two can play at this game!They

The last deal they were offered a huge piece of the useless Negev Desert.
You are ill informed and ignorant and apparently have not seen the maps that were presented.
They just refused just e Biden offer also why is thatScreenshot_20240606-182255.png
Tell us how one would have gone about attacking the UN in 1948.
What are you trying to say? The Palestinians were justified in attacking their Jewish neighbors because they could not attack the UN who was primarily responsible for their dissatisfaction with the 2-state division of the property?
What are you trying to say? The Palestinians were justified in attacking their Jewish neighbors because they could not attack the UN who was primarily responsible for their dissatisfaction with the 2-state division of the property?
There was no way that anyone could attack the UN. The UN was not present in the area. In 1948 the Palestinians were mostly noncombatants. They were not organized they had no real leaders, and they were not armed. The fighting was between the five Arab Armies (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and they also were not organized. The Egyptians grabbed Gaza, the Jordanians grabbed the West Bank and that remained the situation until the 1967 War.