Global warming scare is getting deadly!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
The people's republic of Eugene
This story is sad and shocking. I can not see how anyone can kill their kids and I can not understand how anyone (let alone two of them) can be so dang stupid to buy into this enough to kill them selves let alone their kids.


Baby girl survives after being shot in the chest in parents' 'global warming suicide pact'

A seven-month-old baby girl survived three days alone with a bullet in her chest beside the bodies of her parents and toddler brother.

Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.

Their son Francisco, two, died instantly after being hit in the back.

But their unnamed daughter cheated death after the bullet from her dad's handgun missed her vital organs.

Paramedics rushed her to hospital covered in blood when police alerted by worried neighbours discovered the massacre three days later.

The youngster is recovering in hospital in the town of Goya in the northern Argentine province of Corrientes, where doctors say she is out of danger.

Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police.

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Simple answer....people are crazy......just wait till 2012 rolls around Pandora....We haven't seen anything yet till then.....
Liberals do crazy things!
Mental illness is something that knows no boundries to religion, political philosophy or financial status. Why do some people want to make a tragic event among two people who obviously had mental issues and the innocent victims involved and turn it into some cheap political point. I hope that this has been worth it to you folks.
Andrea Yates was conservative.
Libs sure do crazy are just a few examples of their insanity in today's news.

Yakima kindergartner expelled for making a gun with hands

Villaraigosa shocked at celebration of O.J. Simpson, RuPaul, Dennis Rodman at L.A. Black History Month event [Updated]

Our troops are saddled with dangerous rules of engagement

DEMINT: White House land grab
Proposal to seize land would favor animals over Americans
Mental illness is something that knows no boundries to religion, political philosophy or financial status. Why do some people want to make a tragic event among two people who obviously had mental issues and the innocent victims involved and turn it into some cheap political point. I hope that this has been worth it to you folks.
Andrea Yates was conservative.

Lets see I want to say something here... something that truly projects the reality smackdown that Bunz just laid down... oh here...


Examples of crazy people are all over the place. If we're gonna blame Global Warming beliefs for tragedy then I guess we have to blame God believers too huh? Let's see how many "Conservatives" jump on board with that.:rolleyes:

Child starved to death Chandler Ashton Grafner note was tacked on one of the apartment walls that read, "God says listen to Mom and Dad. Do not lie. Do not steal.

Lets see I want to say something here... something that truly projects the reality smackdown that Bunz just laid down... oh here...


Examples of crazy people are all over the place. If we're gonna blame Global Warming beliefs for tragedy then I guess we have to blame God believers too huh? Let's see how many "Conservatives" jump on board with that.:rolleyes:

Child starved to death Chandler Ashton Grafner note was tacked on one of the apartment walls that read, "God says listen to Mom and Dad. Do not lie. Do not steal.

Without going into this too far (simply because I know some will drive it there) it is unfortunate for you that one cannot blame God for the actions which He has declared worth of death. In this world where God has been marginalized, and secularism has been idolized, we are seeing an increasing number of these deaths. However, if one out of a thousand of these deaths even mention God then the left wing loonie will use it as a justification for the deaths of children that have no mention of God.

Grafner was known to be a victim of child abuse before he finally died. In fact, one would be surprised, I suppose, to discover how many of these children have been reported to the system yet they somehow "fall through the cracks". In the case of the OP there usually is no warning sign.

One of the policies of Child Protection Services, and this is true in most every State, is to keep the family together (Family Reunification) which often ends in disastour. However, that same facility would argue that there are few
willing to take on the job of foster care, or to find qualified individuals willing to take on a foster care child. It is reported that a child is 10X more likely to ba abused under foster care then with the biological family.

Basically, IMO, the whole of the problem has been created by the teaching of the nominal value of life through abortion, sex education, the declining influence of God, and the growing self-centered value system promoted by the progressive movement.,_Youth_and_Family/Child_Abuse/
Without going into this too far (simply because I know some will drive it there) it is unfortunate for you that one cannot blame God for the actions which He has declared worth of death. In this world where God has been marginalized, and secularism has been idolized, we are seeing an increasing number of these deaths. However, if one out of a thousand of these deaths even mention God then the left wing loonie will use it as a justification for the deaths of children that have no mention of God.

Grafner was known to be a victim of child abuse before he finally died. In fact, one would be surprised, I suppose, to discover how many of these children have been reported to the system yet they somehow "fall through the cracks". In the case of the OP there usually is no warning sign.

One of the policies of Child Protection Services, and this is true in most every State, is to keep the family together (Family Reunification) which often ends in disastour. However, that same facility would argue that there are few
willing to take on the job of foster care, or to find qualified individuals willing to take on a foster care child. It is reported that a child is 10X more likely to ba abused under foster care then with the biological family.

Basically, IMO, the whole of the problem has been created by the teaching of the nominal value of life through abortion, sex education, the declining influence of God, and the growing self-centered value system promoted by the progressive movement.,_Youth_and_Family/Child_Abuse/

With all due respect I have to quote Lincoln here...

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas better than any man I ever met.
Abraham Lincoln

You completely missed the point. This isn't a theological debate. It's just a fact that various people sometimes go crazy & do crazy things. To point at someone who has went certifiably crazy and say... Oh that's because he believed in Global Warming is every bit as ludicrous as saying... Oh that's because he believed in God.

No... it's because he went crazy.

And you don't really want to talk about "normal". :D

With all due respect I have to quote Lincoln here...

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas better than any man I ever met.
Abraham Lincoln

You completely missed the point. This isn't a theological debate. It's just a fact that various people sometimes go crazy & do crazy things. To point at someone who has went certifiably crazy and say... Oh that's because he believed in Global Warming is every bit as ludicrous as saying... Oh that's because he believed in God.

No... it's because he went crazy.

And you don't really want to talk about "normal".

Strange how the mind works isn't it. Here we had a couple who had heard so much about the possibility of an global warming apocalypse occuring in the next 10 to 30 years by the left wing alarmists, and rather then have teir children, or themselves, face the famines, floods, etc., not to mention the overpopulation of the earth many of the fanatics speak of, they decided to take their own lives, and that of their children.

You call if "insanity" as if to excuse it as a common event, and I would call it fear driven by the fearmongers.
Strange how the mind works isn't it. Here we had a couple who had heard so much about the possibility of an global warming apocalypse occuring in the next 10 to 30 years by the left wing alarmists, and rather then have teir children, or themselves, face the famines, floods, etc., not to mention the overpopulation of the earth many of the fanatics speak of, they decided to take their own lives, and that of their children.

You call if "insanity" as if to excuse it as a common event, and I would call it fear driven by the fearmongers.

I wonder how many liberals live their lives based on lies.

I know two different young liberal married couples who refuse to have children because they are fearful of the future. They are so concerned about global warming, over population, pollution, war, and other kooky beliefs liberals hold, they refuse to procreate.

They will never know the love and joy of raising a child. And, all because they believe in lies.

Sad. So sad.

Liberalism is so destructive, self-defeating, illogical, disgusting, maddening, harmful, hateful, intolerant, ignorant...and so on...
Without going into this too far (simply because I know some will drive it there) it is unfortunate for you that one cannot blame God for the actions which He has declared worth of death. In this world where God has been marginalized, and secularism has been idolized, we are seeing an increasing number of these deaths. However, if one out of a thousand of these deaths even mention God then the left wing loonie will use it as a justification for the deaths of children that have no mention of God.
Please do expand on this in a new thread.
Grafner was known to be a victim of child abuse before he finally died. In fact, one would be surprised, I suppose, to discover how many of these children have been reported to the system yet they somehow "fall through the cracks". In the case of the OP there usually is no warning sign.

One of the policies of Child Protection Services, and this is true in most every State, is to keep the family together (Family Reunification) which often ends in disastour. However, that same facility would argue that there are few
willing to take on the job of foster care, or to find qualified individuals willing to take on a foster care child. It is reported that a child is 10X more likely to ba abused under foster care then with the biological family.
You and I and probably many others would generally agree that there are some pretty unfortunate situations that have high media exposure when it comes to OCS and foster families gone wrong. I have also seen many great success stories. Here is a touching example that actually did get a nice human interest story. What would you suggest we do as a real alternative? Privatize the system?
Basically, IMO, the whole of the problem has been created by the teaching of the nominal value of life through abortion, sex education, the declining influence of God, and the growing self-centered value system promoted by the progressive movement.
Id be curious as to what you do think should be taught.