Goodbye Christopher Eric Hitchens...

We just take the raw materials and the energy back from the thieves and end up with general happiness, obviously, nutter.

lets just say for the sake of argument that the govt allows this as in Zimbabwe.

then what happens ?

you go from being the breadbasket to total ruin in an astonushing short period of time.

you really are a hoot I.
Socialism is the end of all government (especially the murderous capitalist variety) and its replacement with the principle, 'from each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need.' Barbarians find this baffling because they prefer licking arses and spiting the weak. Tell us news.

You, like most leftists, have it completely backwards. Socialism is ALL government. Government owns and controls EVERYTHING under the purest form of socialism, which is why those in government love socialism. If you knew anything about anything, you would know this.

You might do some research on socialist nations like USSR and China. In your deluded mind, no doubt, you think those nations were wonderful paradises for working people. But in reality, something you know nothing about, the working people suffer the most in socialist nations.

Socialism, with a lot of cronyism and corruption thrown in, is the cause of our economic problems today. You think our economic problems are the result of capitalism, when capitalism does not exist any first world nation.
yes this is required to get the attention of the proletariate. then you launch into the siren's song that is marxism and the foolush eat it up.r. they never even see or question when some animals become.more equal than others though that was the goal of the effort.

its just about one bunch wanting the money and.power of the other.

George Orwell, the man you not-so-bright forelock tuggers so love, was of course a socialist, like anyone who has ever gien the matter any thought for himself.
You, like most leftists, have it completely backwards. Socialism is ALL government. Government owns and controls EVERYTHING under the purest form of socialism, which is why those in government love socialism. If you knew anything about anything, you would know this.

You might do some research on socialist nations like USSR and China. In your deluded mind, no doubt, you think those nations were wonderful paradises for working people. But in reality, something you know nothing about, the working people suffer the most in socialist nations.

Socialism, with a lot of cronyism and corruption thrown in, is the cause of our economic problems today. You think our economic problems are the result of capitalism, when capitalism does not exist any first world nation.

You poor brainwashed yanks, who believe the Pharaohs of Egypt were socialists and have never even been allowed to hear the phrase 'state capitalism' or hear what socialism IS (political control by the working majority on the way to destroying the state for good). There are no 'socialist nations like the USSR and China'. you noodle. You have not been allowed by your masters to think, so what is the use of their allowing you to blather nonsense?
You poor brainwashed yanks, who believe the Pharaohs of Egypt were socialists and have never even been allowed to hear the phrase 'state capitalism' or hear what socialism IS (political control by the working majority on the way to destroying the state for good). There are no 'socialist nations like the USSR and China'. you noodle. You have not been allowed by your masters to think, so what is the use of their allowing you to blather nonsense?

Yeah...yeah...the same old song with you wacky leftists. Socialism has never been tried...if only it could be how wonderful the world would be.

What foolish tripe.

Socialism is state run EVERYTHING...only a fool would think state running everything...effective.
Yeah...yeah...the same old song with you wacky leftists. Socialism has never been tried...if only it could be how wonderful the world would be.

What foolish tripe.

Socialism is state run EVERYTHING...only a fool would think state running everything...effective.

Arseholes are foreheads and yanks are free. Come ON!
pretending a difference doesnt make it so.

Fact does, however, kid. I haven't been brainwashed. Was Stalin's USSR or Mao's China a working class democracy, noodle? Grow up and ask your masters to let you think, at least on Thursdays.
Fact does, however, kid. I haven't been brainwashed. Was Stalin's USSR or Mao's China a working class democracy, noodle? Grow up and ask your masters to let you think, at least on Thursdays.

Socialism means slavery. Lord Action

Anyone who fails to understand this, is a fool and potentially a tool of the state.
What we need is unlimited individual liberty and NO government.
Socialism means slavery. Lord Action

Anyone who fails to understand this, is a fool and potentially a tool of the state.
What we need is unlimited individual liberty and NO government.

You support lords then, American groveller?