Well-Known Member
Well, this is a funny thing and I think I can explain it or illustrate my point in a fairly small amount of sentences. The GOP big shots, many of them aren't really conservatives. Socially and politically, the Republican Party is closest to the older Democratic party of the 20th century. Economically which is their biggest cylinder today, they are becoming the corporation party falsely thinking what people want is them to to implement the best ways to make a buck which they don't do solidly anyway and they are ignoring more and more the basic principles that makes the society run that is so essentially important for economic prosperity in the first place. And this is still the better party of the two. When I hear they have lost touch with their base, I don't think their base is really their base anymore at all and it's just that their constituents haven't realized it yet. I for one am no longer a proud Republican. I was, though. I was. I even have a blue and red striped elephant keychain. But the Republican party is no longer the Republican Party, the same as with the Democratic Party and what's really happening is the country is becoming more liberal. I for one am going to switch to another party because the Republican party is a crock of s- and doesn't give a rat's ass about this country's integrity or it's citizens, just about its pockets JUST like the Democratic party but only in a different way. I have labeled the Democratic party as the icon of sin and epitome of destruction many times in my earlier days on this forum which was seemingly true until the Republican party reared its true ugly face and had convinced me they're just as bad but in different things. The third largest party is the constitution party which I'm thinking of joining but I'm not sure yet. I'm waiting on some literature etc. But what I'm basically saying is F- the Democratic Party and F- the Republican Party.