Hawaii agrees to a plan for electric cars


Dec 6, 2008
"DailyTech - Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle has unveiled a plan for the island state to create an electric car network by 2012, helping rid the state of its heavy dependence on foreign oil.

Electric car company Better Place will be the company responsible for building the electric car network that will cost an estimated $200 million to $250 million in construction. Better Place has not signed any investors for the project, but will intensify its search in the immediate future.

Better Place was founded by former SAP AG executive Shai Agassi, who is helping lead discussions regarding the same technology in Australia, Denmark, Israel and San Francisco.

Consumers who purchase or lease electric cars will be able to visit Better Place supply recharging service locations to switch out their lithium ion car battery for a full-charged new one. Better Place will then recharge the new battery during off-peak electricity hours.

Hawaii imports oil for about 90 percent of its total energy needs, which totals around $7 billion per year. Around one-third of all imported oil is used for cars and buses. Gov. Lingle wants the state to cut around 70 percent of its fossil fuel use by 2030."

(Read more at DailyTech)

What do you guys think about this electric car business? Do you think it will work? I'm afraid that they might not make enough money to run the business for too long. It is compleatly getting rid of the current "fill up at the gas station" idea, and replacing it with a "fill up at work" idea. Maybe this is what we will see all the time in a year like 2020, but I can't tell for sure.

(Read more at DailyTech)

What do you guys think about this electric car business? Do you think it will work? I'm afraid that they might not make enough money to run the business for too long. It is compleatly getting rid of the current "fill up at the gas station" idea, and replacing it with a "fill up at work" idea. Maybe this is what we will see all the time in a year like 2020, but I can't tell for sure.

This article makes me scratch my head, and wonder what's wrong with this picture.

Great idea, in concept. Promote a "green" transportation system. The EC is a viable option for the limited distances typical in Island commuting.

But what is needed? Electricity. LOTS of electricity. And while Gov. Lingle purports this as a means of eliminating the state's dependence on foreign oil, it's factually disingenuous.

I found a great info spot, which revealed the following:

Hawaii Quick Facts

* Petroleum provides nearly nine-tenths of all the energy consumed in Hawaii.
* The transportation sector leads energy demand in Hawaii due in large part to heavy jet fuel use by military installations and commercial airlines.
* Petroleum-fired power plants supply more than three-fourths of Hawaii’s electricity generation.
* Due to the mild tropical climate, many households do not require energy for home heating.

This is based on energy statistics from the U.S. Government, the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

At the site posted above, there is a map showing renewable energy sources: solar, wind & geothermal. If the number is accurate, the third of imported petroleum used for "cars and buses" would leave 2/3 for electricity generation, commercial air travel and military use. Those are pretty hefty requirements.

Hawaii has a very broad-based, ambitious energy goal plan. Projections range in the 2030 year frame, which will not work with the time frame stated in the article.

So, if Hawaii gets this EC network going, they can reduce their petroleum requirements by 30-35%. However, with their current energy infrastructure they would need to increase electric production, which at the present requires LOTS of petroleum.

This just doesn't pass the smell test. It would be interesting to be able to follow the money on this one... As is the case with most of the "green" movement so prolific today.
A few things I will chime in with...
I think this is probably the best chance electric cars have to make a big splash in the US. While it will not be perfect by any means, but it can be a real proof of concept and have the kinks worked out in the medium/smaller markets in preparation for the mass/us/global market.
Nobody is forseeing a situation for quite awhile that will see a drop in demand of petroleum products for the heavy demands such as aviation/military and civilian commercial transportation.
But replacing the vast majority of privately owned vehicles even on Oahu and the entire rental car fleet would have a massive drop in demand there. Anyone who has spent time on Oahu knows that there are a huge number of rental cars there.
While it did not say so, and I havent bothered exploring much about the issue as of yet, I know that these sort of efforts are great, but are destined to fail unless there is a source of electricity behind it. Hawaii, like Alaska is a state where there are considerable natural resources that havent been utilized for earth driven energy sources in exchange for the long past inexpensive, known methods through burning fossil fuels. Which means that Hawaii should be utilizing three things that are already there and readily available and "free". Sun, Water and Wind if given time and the necessary funding can make the situation work in tandem with the cooperation between government, private enterprise and the Hawaiian people to make work, but if there is one place it can, Hawaii is it.
But what is needed? Electricity. LOTS of electricity. And while Gov. Lingle purports this as a means of eliminating the state's dependence on foreign oil, it's factually disingenuous.

........I would imagine that Hawaii is sitting on boundless amounts of potential electricity in the form of geo-thermal power! It should be a no-brainer for them to promote electric cars?

Hawaii, like Alaska is a state where there are considerable natural resources that havent been utilized for earth driven energy sources in exchange for the long past inexpensive, known methods through burning fossil fuels. Which means that Hawaii should be utilizing three things that are already there and readily available and "free". Sun, Water and Wind if given time and the necessary funding can make the situation work in tandem with the cooperation between government, private enterprise and the Hawaiian people to make work, but if there is one place it can, Hawaii is it.

I agree. Hawaii has lots of sun, and not harvesting it is a waste. The electric cars heed a renewable energy source, or else they won't be real electric cars.
Energy is big talk among the world leaders, but thats about as far as it goes today.
A plan for electric cars is good..but impractical in the face of soaring energy prices. Lets be honest - As soon as electric vehicles get the tiniest foothold, electric companies will be right there to screw you way more than you're paying in utilities now!

It should really concern everyone, that US is now in a state of impending financial suicide. Why..its legal fleecing of the treasury for institutions to 'become'banks, merely to access taxpayers money. If the senate were any kind of 'awake' , that would have been prohibited, so its a bit of a joke to talk 'legislation':) ..regulation?? ha

As the theories of most economists are based on 'history' , you can clearly see that all stimulus packages across the globe have failed, and even the initial one in US has lost all focus with economists trying to plug whatever hole appears. Why go back 60 years, when you have the history of a few months to see that stimulus packages across the globe are failing?

Aggressive tax relief, means that none of the states will be collecting revenues..so, lets see..ummm..Almost every state now needs 'a bailout' because of depleted funds - so where does that leave the treasury? Quite the catch 22 with the sting in the tail. Things can be made to sound pretty nice for the American to swallow, but reality is really a bitter pill. Technically engineered speeches are nice, but upon inspection the holes in promises become so obvious.

Citigroup could be back for more, and the big 3..well, they'll definitely be back soon.

I offered to regenerate the US economy, by providing a NEW clean energy solution that provides more energy than the COMBINED energy yield of ALL known renewable energy methods, at a fraction of the current costs with the added bonus that it systematically reduces oil dependance.

Communications to the Fed,state depts,governors etc all get zero response...so, talk about being 'asleep at the switch' - they all are. As in many cases preceding disasters, governments are warned- nobody listens. So, the fallouts across 2009 will be massive. Neither Obama, or the finest economics team on this globe can fix a thing. Any stimulus that lacks the core component of return on that stimulus, only adds to DEFICIT.

Talks in the senate may continue..Its unfortunate that politicians merely gab,and are good at fingerpointing..but not one, has a SOLUTION.

There's a big difference between ideas,plans, and 'iron solution'.
I offer :
1- Millions of jobs across various sectors
2- Regeneration of the stock markets
3- Affordable abundant electricity
4- Systematic reduction of oil dependance.

To produce more than 1000x the power of all known alternate energy sources may seem impossible sounding..but it IS possible...and to do it at a fraction of your current costs, might seem even more unbelievable..but its possible.

Electric vehicles..well, yes, thats the way to go, but that is only a practicality, if electricity is 'affordable'. What benefit is it financially, if you have an electric vehicle, but cant really power it up affordably?

Stock markets only revive on solidity,and unwavering confidence. I can provide a catalyst for US to start manufacturing, from the ground up again, with the offshoot spinoffs being millions of jobs, throughout every sector of your society. If I told you its possible to produce 1000x the energy yield of wind/solar energy more cost effectively, and more environmentally friendly what would you do? Laugh? Thats the response of a *****, thats stuck in the realm of only what is known,and too dumb to have any lateral thought beyond that.

T Boone Pickens - is on a mission that will fail..I tried writing him..perhaps he thinks he's too witty, or perhaps his people in charge of comms don't READ. Warren Buffett, is just another billionaire, but he can lose his fortune too, if the status quo of this economic situation does not change.

Energy - underpins EVERY economy. The highest sophistication, is nothing without power.

When the US fed, or its state departments actually respond to important communications, then perhaps things can change - until then, the globe will continue its freefall.

If you know a senator that has a mind, and is also blessed with ears, then notify him or her. Politicians are now more intent on being 'celebrities'- they seem to forget they are public servants - so, they cannot be reached.

PE Obama promised to 'listen', so I'll test that.
You stepped up to the plate, now it's time to bat.
Listening, is infinitely more affordable than the cost of not listening.

Here is an open challenge to the world's finest economists and the biggest political team on the globe - I say, your biggest stimulus plans will all fail, because no degree of liquidity injection, can stem the root cause of this financial crisis, which is actually 'mass unemployment'. You can keep fooling yourselves,and people that its 'credit squeeze', housing correction' or 'toxic assets' - denial has a dangerous price.

To Mr Geithner - I sent you a communication before you even joined PE Obama's team.
To the transition team - I also sent communications...so, the ball is now in your court. You have been told, but listening is really up to you. You can watch the US collapse totally, or have the presence of mind to 'listen', and perhaps if you do, you might learn something about expansive clean power generation capability...or, continue losing taxpayers money in the current course. Whats ignoring important communications called? An honest little mistake?

A little political 'insight' is not equivalent to 'economic solution' . It amazes me that economists are called 'experts' , but I guess even a disaster 'puts no dent in the ego's of some.

Solutions do appear, but wax is a difficult thing to dissolve. Politicians do tend to have lots of that..if there were earwax shares on the stock market, I'd say those would always remain high.

I apologise for any errors in my note..no spellcheck:)
........I would imagine that Hawaii is sitting on boundless amounts of potential electricity in the form of geo-thermal power! It should be a no-brainer for them to promote electric cars?

There is an operation on the Big Island as it is called. All the other islands have moved away from the hot spot, so they do not have active volcanoes or any potential geothermal energy.
.....errmm..... once generated..... can it not be transmitted through power cables to those other islands?

I suppose it could, but there isn't any distribution system in place. The Big Island has the most potential to produce a lot of power, but since there are no cables from island to island, the power cannot be distributed. I heard that they are trying to get the cables, but they haven't been able to start the project yet.
Consumers who purchase or lease electric cars will be able to visit Better Place supply recharging service locations to switch out their lithium ion car battery for a full-charged new one. Better Place will then recharge the new battery during off-peak electricity hours.

This is what makes me totally suspicious. Why switch out the batteries. This spells "service charge", amortization of service station equipment, etc. I would be much happier recharging my own battery overnight. If you use electricity at your home, you can always attach it to a timer for off-peak hours. I think consumers could easily be screwed by a monopoly.