HBO Movie "Game Change" Portray Sarah Palin making her look stupid


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I Hope she gets on Fox News tommorow and lashes out against HBO. HBO is a very liberal movie channel. Why you think they have no intention ever firing Bill Maher? But Oh Yeah they cancelled the Dennis Miller show. Shes is not stupid. She never ever took notes or even said Saddam Huesain attack WTC on 9-11. HBO made her look like Col Klink. Lets face it,,No one will ever do a Movie about Hillary Clinton or make her look stupid. Just like ABC TV granted Bill Clinton his request to cut out the scene of the movie "The Path to 9-11" The scene was he failed to get Bin Laden when the C-I-A agents found him they needed authorizion from secritary Albright to assassinate Bin Laden. You see no Liberal networks will make their own look stupid,,We all know Obama is a stupid lil monkey do we? But no one will ever do a movie to make Obama look like a stupid lil monkey. Look at Examples here. We all know Hitler was stupid and crazy right? Thats not how Hollywood saw Hitler here look

Heres how German film people saw Hitler
See how they made Hitler as a silly fool? Those are real German professonal actors they saw Hitler as a silly fool Just like How American Hollywood saw Sarah Palin a stupid politican. But American Actors saw Hitler as their hero
Hollyweird is full of commies and they black-list conservatives. Maybe more people should read why McCarthyism came about. Even Ronald Reagan knew who they were when he was Pres. of the Actors Guild. Funny how that worked out for him. Gov. of Calif. for 8 years and Pres. for 8 years. He hated communism. Under his watch the USSR fell and so did the Berlin wall.

I'm surprised that Conservatives are still locked out of the entertainment industry since his presidency.
See how they made Hitler as a silly fool? Those are real German professonal actors they saw Hitler as a silly fool Just like How American Hollywood saw Sarah Palin a stupid politican. But American Actors saw Hitler as their hero
Back in WWII, American actors on other Hollywood types mostly supported American and wanted to see the country remain free and successful.

That's the major difference between Hollywood then and now.