Hillary wins pennsylvania

What will it take for people to wake up! We already have a liar in the White House and now Pennsylvania wants another one in there. America is in big trouble due to the greedy idiots in Washington and "Here We Go Again"! Clinocchio disgraced the Oval Office with Monica Lewinski and that's OK? Of all the things Obama has been accused of doesn't even measure up to the dirty stuff the Clinton's have done. Wake Up America! Don't let another sleezy politician in the White House! What an example we are showing the younger voters. Honest people don't win . . . the sleezy tricksters win. What a mess!!
Obama out spent her 3 to 1.

He is said to be the front runner. He has lost every big state.

He cant even unify the democrats but he claims he can unify America and the world for that matter.

If this joker isnt strong enough to leave little old Hillary in the dust by now with all her baggage and negative ratings, he sure cant beat McCain.
They say Obama has won the most states, and the most votes. But the way they (both the republicans and democrats) ought to run the nomination process is to make it model the electoral college, because that's how presidents are elected. There are about 12 big electoral vote states that actually usually determine the outcome - and it seems Hillary has won almost every one, including Florida and Michigan, states whose voters will vote in the general election, even though the democrat party has excluded them from the nomination process.
Watched a little of the coverage on cnn. Noted that exit polls showed 92% of blacks voting for Obama. Have yet to see or hear any mention that this is a racist voting pattern. Seems that only people that point out such things are racist. Perhaps.

Be that as it may, we are very much a racist country. Obama may do well in the democratic primary, but if nominated, he will be slaugtered in the general election. Just as well. The next president is just going to get the blame anyways.

I happen to believe that God appointed George W. Bush, and the republican majority he was given, to destroy America. God always picks the perfect tools for his assigned tasks.
EGAD! I hope some of Obama's team is looking at these blogs. Obama needs to stop being hamby-pamby and get tough with Hillary. Present it in a strong "matter-of-fact" way about White Water, NAFTA, the Bosnia landing farce, and oh yeah, what about the Clinton's being made to return some stuff they stole from the White House when they moved out? Get nasty Obama! NASTY seems to be the game some of those pin-head voters seem to like. The Clinton's think they own Washington. Well, they don't. The American tax-payers do and we should take it back. We were loved by many countries and now we are hated. Their perception needs to be corrected. We can only do this by making changes in our government. Heck, the government seems to be more scary than the old Mafia was. The Sopranos always got their cut of the money and that's exactly what they are doing in Washington. Well, I see Clinocchio on the news and he's as cocky as ever. I'd like to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth. I'd be richer than the WORLD!

Voting for a black president if you are black is a racist pattern? Hilarious.

Its just a practical way of thinking - lets face it, Obama is going to help poor blacks much more than any of the other candidates. Blacks like that - sorry they're voting intelligently.
Hillary won? No, actually, McCain won in Pennsylvania. The Clinton victory simply means a continued battle between the Democratic front runners. The more they fight each other, the less able the eventual winner will be able to battle McCain in November. The Clinton win is good news for anyone who wants to see the federal government quit growing quite so fast, as a Republican in the White House, even a liberal like McCain, will ensure that the two parties will keep an eye on each other and thus curb at least the most egregious excesses of the federal government.
That's three big state losses in a row for obama: Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

Obama, in terms of delegates, won Texas. Pa was perfect demographically for Clinton...more women, third oldest state(median age) in the country, less educated, and borders NY, Clinton's home state. Yet despite all this, Clinton could only pull out a 9% win after leading in the polls by 20% last month.

What this all means is Clinton will have a net gain of about 10 delegates and a little over 200,000 in the popular vote. Obama should make that up in NC.

The media likes to play the primaries up but the fact remains that, unless the superdelegates overturn the will of the people, Clinton has no chance.
Obama out spent her 3 to 1.

He is said to be the front runner. He has lost every big state.

He cant even unify the democrats but he claims he can unify America and the world for that matter.

If this joker isnt strong enough to leave little old Hillary in the dust by now with all her baggage and negative ratings, he sure cant beat McCain.

Obama, in terms of delegates, won Texas. Pa was perfect demographically for Clinton...more women, third oldest state(median age) in the country, less educated, and borders NY, Clinton's home state. Yet despite all this, Clinton could only pull out a 9% win after leading in the polls by 20% last month.

What this all means is Clinton will have a net gain of about 10 delegates and a little over 200,000 in the popular vote. Obama should make that up in NC.

The media likes to play the primaries up but the fact remains that, unless the superdelegates overturn the will of the people, Clinton has no chance.

Unfortunately for you, it's not the flukey rules of the democrat party (the absurd elitism of the superdelegates, and whacking large states off the nomination process) that wins elections - success with the electoral college does. So you want the nominee that has won all the big electoral college vote states to lose the nomination? I'm sure all republicans would like to express their appreciation. :D
Unfortunately for you, it's not the flukey rules of the democrat party (the absurd elitism of the superdelegates, and whacking large states off the nomination process) that wins elections - success with the electoral college does. So you want the nominee that has won all the big electoral college vote states to lose the nomination? I'm sure all republicans would like to express their appreciation. :D

You mean like NY, Ca, Ohio and Pa? The Democrats will take NY and Ca. no matter who the nominee is. In Pa the latest Rasmussen poll has Obama leading McCain by 8%, Clinton leads by 9%. As for Ohio, the RCP polling average for the state has it McCain 45.3% Obama 42.7%, Clinton leads McCain 47.7%-42.7%.

Ohio is the only one of the 4 that Clinton can claim superiority and then, not by much. Obama makes up for this by being more competitive in states Clinton is not. Colorado is an example, a poll taken there just 2 days ago has Obama leading McCain by 3% while Clinton trails warmonger John by 13%. Obama's path to electoral victory is different from the traditional Democratic one of the last 2 elections. Perhaps that is why Republicans, despite claims to the contrary, seem to fear him more than Clinton....he puts more states in play.
Did Florida and Michigan drop out of the union? Obama will do anything he can to win, but he cannot make all people like him or vote for him. He is in a precarious position. He is not wanted by all America inspite of his attraction to young people. This is going to be interesting.
i cant understand why the democratics are still letting the republicans define who we are and how we should think about our candidates. also clinton should sit down and stop her stupidpity because its not obama fault bill had a sexual affair in the white house oval room with monica lew and the blue dotted dress. he didnt tell her to meet in secert and try to make a secert healthcare bill which cause staff memebers to go to prison. lie about nafta but clintons do it well. her foreigner policy experince are lies she has told about sniper fire in bosnia and tea with cookies other foreigner leaders wives.but the most apparlling the disrepect of bill in the most repectful building which our leader of the free world is suppose to conduct WE THE PEOPLE BUSINESS. and for my freind 100mccain and how the republican party coward us down by making us afraid to question him about hanoi hilton lies what a american HERO i hope he stays on the foreigner policy comittees to keep his records hide but the person dont lie and ask him about his true cowardmccain true record. watch his reaction it wont lie. iranmccain bomb,bomb,bomb, freind donald diamond a wealthy arizona real estate developer and generous contributor. in 1999 20m coastal land in california freed up by an army base closing. but its a influence peddling am sure the republicans would explain to you. i hope theres no WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AROUND atleast we will the republicans to keep us informed.wait until jack abramoff and killermccain involvement come to light unless the republicans keep it hide and what about our freind karl rove and don siegelman coverage oh! sorry no coverage or front page headline. better run and hide atleast karl can come on fox news and discuss the democrats election. well obama we all know his story wright,ayers,elilist,flag pin. but it puzzel me how come heromccain doesnt wear a flag pin but am sure there is a good explanation. but being a HERO theres no reason for him not wearing a flagpin.