Hollywood think they should pay their far share


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
And Now Ron Howard thinks the wealthy should pay more taxes

Hollywood Moonbat Of The Day: Ron Howard Wants Return To 90% Tax Bracket For Wealthy…

Life was simpler in the fictional town of Mayberry, N.C., where “The Andy Griffith Show” was set, and images of Sheriff Andy Taylor and his son Opie evoke a more prosperous America. But did the mystique of that setting include a 90 percent tax rate on the wealthy?

On MSNBC Wednesday, appearing from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., director and producer Ron Howard said he would be open to the wealthy paying more taxes.

“Well, to be honest, I remember on the ‘Andy Griffith Show’ when income taxes for the upper levels were as much as 90 percent,” Howard said. “And that’s the era that we often look back to with great nostalgia and it was a time of tremendous growth. So you know, I’m not averse to paying some taxes to try to help the country grow and help the economy grow.”


See Thats my Idea on creating entertainers tax! It means ,,Movie Stars,TV News Anchormen,Pro Ballplayers,Comedians And Magicians pay more to the I.R.S. My Idea tax law is this. Hollywood pays 35% Top Bracket and add 15% more on entertainers tax. And California should create a zip code state property tax. For example if you live in a wealthy zip code like 90210 you pay 55% property tax. Thats for homes and businesses. But if you live in a poor zip code you pay 5% property tax. So that means if you shop in beverly hills you pay a lot more on items and food. But if you shop in east L.A Food is cheaper.
Want to return to 90% ? OK then return to the greatly expanded deductions of th4 period as well. Nobody ever paid 90%. If Opie wants to pay more there is nothing stopping him. And the Oracle of Omaha can pony up the millions in back taxes he owes.
Want to return to 90% ? OK then return to the greatly expanded deductions of th4 period as well. Nobody ever paid 90%. If Opie wants to pay more there is nothing stopping him. And the Oracle of Omaha can pony up the millions in back taxes he owes.

Face it. . .you wouldn't pay that "millionaire tax" either! :rolleyes::D:D:D