How Biden and O Barry and liberals funded Islamic terrorist

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022


and let us not forget how he and Joe have gave billions to Iran and they knew full well the money would help fund terrorist .
There is more I will add at another time .
Yes the democrat tag team of Bung hole Barry and dementia Joe used there might reasoning powers aka stupidty to help fund terrorist indirectly.
Democrats hate the truth
Yes the democrat tag team of Bung hole Barry and dementia Joe used there might reasoning powers aka stupidty to help fund terrorist indirectly.
Democrats hate the truth

Indirectly? Another weasel word

Republicans driving cars funds terrorism Indirectly by using gas which drives up oil demand and price paid to Arab countries
Why do Republicans love terrorists?
Indirectly? Another weasel word

Republicans driving cars funds terrorism Indirectly by using gas which drives up oil demand and price paid to Arab countries
Why do Republicans love terrorists?
Yes its a weasel word when its true an you do not like it. Mr. Whittaker.
Indirectly? Another weasel word

Republicans driving cars funds terrorism Indirectly by using gas which drives up oil demand and price paid to Arab countries
Why do Republicans love terrorists?
Lefties don't mind paying the IRS three times what their private insurance cost them in order to obey the Obamacare health tax mandate, but that is because leftists foolishly believe the fascist government has their best interests in mind. Likewise, lefties will fight to the death to defend the fascist regime that is robbing them of freedom and savings in the name of progress. No number of excuses can clear Biden of causing serious price hikes in gasoline because of his dimwitted delusions about fixing the weather he thinks is broken.
Indirectly? Another weasel word

Republicans driving cars funds terrorism Indirectly by using gas which drives up oil demand and price paid to Arab countries
Why do Republicans love terrorists?
I see. When American leftists are not blaming terrorism on global warming caused by rich white people, they are blaming mass murder on Americans who use fossil fuels to survive. American leftists are idiots. Leftists also blame rich white people for the poverty experienced by those most harmfully impacted by inflation and high costs of living due to government overspending.
"Britain encouraged Arab revolts against the Ottoman Empire with the promise that victory would lead to a united Arab nation, reaching from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.

At the war’s end (WWI),
private interests hopeful of exploiting the region’s oil urged their governments to ignore war-time promises to Arab leaders. A variety of small, divided Arab states would be much easier to maneuver into oil deals than a large, independent Arab republic. The European powers agreed. France assumed control of Syria and Lebanon. Britain took Palestine and Mesopotamia. London granted local control to kings and sheiks favorable to British interests. These arrangements were ratified by the League of Nations; Britain’s Palestinian colony was officially a League "Mandate."

new states needed boundaries. Five days of wrangling over the borders (at a conference in Baghdad) ended when Sir Percy Cox, British High Commissioner, arbitrarily drew the boundary lines setting off Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

opening up of Palestine to Jewish settlements, meanwhile, served imperial strategy by furthering division in the region and by establishing a beachhead for British interests."
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Indirectly? Another weasel word

Republicans driving cars funds terrorism Indirectly by using gas which drives up oil demand and price paid to Arab countries
Why do Republicans love terrorists?
Why is it a weasel word ? O yes because it makes Barry o bung hole look bad and you do not like that due to your support of radical Muslims