How many political forums are you registered with?

How many forums are you registered with?

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    Votes: 2 25.0%
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    Votes: 2 25.0%
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    Votes: 1 12.5%
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  • 10+

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
I registered on Political Hotwire and haven't been back since I got the confirmation. This place is home sweet home for me.

I'm registered at more than 10, less than 20. I regularly post at 4-5.
The reason I register at so many different forums is that they all seem to go through periods of crappiness. When a forum becomes stale or untrustworthy I move on.

The most recent forum I registered on I have yet to make a post because I haven't decided yet whether or not they are trustworthy. I tend to instinctively trust one of the moderators (even though I don't really know her from Adam), but....they have at least a couple of annoying members.

I haven't yet decided whether this one is trustworthy or not, which is why I haven't been posting here a bunch. I heard a disturbing rumor about a certain moderator publishing a member's IP address. Perhaps not the worst thing possible and I doubt any harm came of it, but it's still Just Not Done. I would hate to think that something like that might happen again in the future.

Cool avatar Coyote....and location lol. Of course I approve. :D
Myself...I am a member of this Forum, and four other forums.
I go to sites where the Administrators and Moderators do
show concerns. Plus enforce the Terms of Service.

I have been on sites where there is strict terms of service
rules, and the Administrator plus Moderators allow all kinds
of mess to take place. Especially, Internet bullies who come
online intimindating people.

However...If one want to come at me after reading the terms
of service (which I don't believe nobody reads them) they
are welcome to do so, and believe me I am bouncing back
damn the tos rules. The rules was broken when the attck took