HRW: Israeli Indiscriminate Attacks Killed Most Leb Civilian


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
They finally exposed the truth after long investigation:
(Jerusalem, September 6, 2007) – Israel’s indiscriminate airstrikes, not Hezbollah’s shielding as claimed by Israeli officials, caused most of the approximately 900 civilian deaths in Lebanon during the July-August 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Human Rights Watch investigated more than 500 of the deaths.

The 249-page report, “Why They Died: Civilian Casualties in Lebanon during the 2006 War,” represents the most extensive investigation to date of civilian deaths in Lebanon during the war. In five months of research, Human Rights Watch investigated 94 cases of air, artillery and ground attacks by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to discern the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 510 civilians and 51 combatants, nearly half the at least 1,109 Lebanese deaths during the conflict.
Human Rights Watch visited more than 50 Lebanese villages and interviewed 316 victims and eyewitnesses, as well as 39 military experts, journalists and Israeli, Lebanese government and Hezbollah officials.
300 children and women!
Of course targeting next generation(children) is easier than fighting hezballah soldiers.

Should israelis be punished now? especially when we know that stuffs such Phosphorous Bombs were massively used
They finally exposed the truth after long investigation:

300 children and women!
Of course targeting next generation(children) is easier than fighting hezballah soldiers.

Should israelis be punished now? especially when we know that stuffs such Phosphorous Bombs were massively used

No, they should not be punished, especially not by the United States. The US really cannot punish them anyway. We can't follow the doctrine of calling me people terrorists and invading, and then blast Israel for doing the same. Keep in mind why Israel even launched this operation, in response for kidnappings and other terrorist activity.

Also, personally I think Israel punished themselves enough by even invading. It was a major PR victory for Hezbollah, but on top of that look at the statistics in Lebanon before the Invasion.

Hezbollah was almost totally confined the South of Lebanon and the majority of Lebanese people actually had an unfavorable view of Hezbollah. After the Israel operations, the majority of people had a much more favorable view of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel should have limited themselves in their retaliation because Hezbollah had been all burt marginalized in Lebanon, and it was not until the war that the majority of Lebanon united behind Hezbollah and against Israel, and scoring Hezbollah a major PR victory and tons of influence in Lebanon.

Personally, it was pretty smart for Hezbollah to provoke this, because anyone really looking at the situation could have predicted that this was going to happen.
They finally exposed the truth after long investigation:

300 children and women!
Of course targeting next generation(children) is easier than fighting hezballah soldiers.

Children are the sometimes harder to kill than adults. While riding in one of the new Israeli gunships a reporter noticed the soldier on the 50 cal. door gun mowing down children who were running like crazy. When the reporter asked the IDF soldier "How can you kill children that are running like that"?
His answer was simple and concise.... he replied, "You just lead them a little more".

All joking aside, the genocide of Palestinian children will assure the next generation will not exist. The Israeli "final solution" for the Palestinians and Lebanese has been refined since the last "final solution".
Children are the sometimes harder to kill than adults. While riding in one of the new Israeli gunships a reporter noticed the soldier on the 50 cal. door gun mowing down children who were running like crazy. When the reporter asked the IDF soldier "How can you kill children that are running like that"?
His answer was simple and concise.... he replied, "You just lead them a little more".

All joking aside, the genocide of Palestinian children will assure the next generation will not exist. The Israeli "final solution" for the Palestinians and Lebanese has been refined since the last "final solution".

Except for the fact that the Israel population is stagnating and shrinking and the Palestinian one is growing by large amounts. Its actually the other way around.
Except for the fact that the Israel population is stagnating and shrinking and the Palestinian one is growing by large amounts. Its actually the other way around.

That's the outstanding brilliance behind this refined "final solution", kill the children before they have a chance to reproduce thus eliminating any chance of conflict down the road.

From - "From September 29, 2000, when the current Palestinian intifada erupted, through March 27, 2007, at least 952 Palestinian and 118 Israeli youths under the age of 18 were killed in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Thousands more have been injured, many permanently".
You don't have to be Schitsack Rabin to figure that a genocide that eliminates Palestinian children at a ratio of about 8 to 1 will do the trick for ya just fine. Although, we may have to send a couple more cargo ships laden with munitions to help them out.
That's the outstanding brilliance behind this refined "final solution", kill the children before they have a chance to reproduce thus eliminating any chance of conflict down the road.

From - "From September 29, 2000, when the current Palestinian intifada erupted, through March 27, 2007, at least 952 Palestinian and 118 Israeli youths under the age of 18 were killed in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Thousands more have been injured, many permanently".
You don't have to be Schitsack Rabin to figure that a genocide that eliminates Palestinian children at a ratio of about 8 to 1 will do the trick for ya just fine. Although, we may have to send a couple more cargo ships laden with munitions to help them out.

The Israeli population growth rate as of 2007 is 1.1%

The population growth rate on the Gaze Strip is 3.3% and in the West Bank is 2.9%

Take a look at population breakdown for these three areas.

West Bank
0-14 years: 42.4% (male 551,243/female 524,800)
15-64 years: 54.2% (male 704,209/female 670,382)
65 years and over: 3.4% (male 36,175/female 49,118) (2007 est.)

Gaza Strip
0-14 years: 47.6% (male 361,115/female 344,236)
15-64 years: 49.9% (male 377,927/female 361,824)
65 years and over: 2.5% (male 15,454/female 21,849) (2007 est.)

0-14 years: 26.1% (male 858,246/female 818,690)
15-64 years: 64.2% (male 2,076,649/female 2,046,343)
65 years and over: 9.8% (male 269,483/female 357,268) (2007 est.)

Looking at these stats it is clearly evident that Israels population is shrinking and growing older and reproducing much slower. While the others have almost equal amounts in the lower age brackets, and have much higher growth rates. Sorry, but 900 dead youths cannot undo this trend. The facts are pretty clear in this case.
Do these figures reflect the millions of Palestinian refugees that try to return to their homeland? Or the thousands that are excluded from their homes by an illegal apartheid wall?
Better yet, post where these figures came from if you will.
Do these figures reflect the millions of Palestinian refugees that try to return to their homeland? Or the thousands that are excluded from their homes by an illegal apartheid wall?
Better yet, post where these figures came from if you will.

They are the CIA figures on the area as of 2007. You can find them here.

Do these figures reflect the millions of Palestinian refugees that try to return to their homeland? Or the thousands that are excluded from their homes by an illegal apartheid wall?
Better yet, post where these figures came from if you will.

And if they do not include the millions trying to return home, then that is even more Palestinians and still a stagnating Israeli population.
Children are the sometimes harder to kill than adults. While riding in one of the new Israeli gunships a reporter noticed the soldier on the 50 cal. door gun mowing down children who were running like crazy. When the reporter asked the IDF soldier "How can you kill children that are running like that"?
His answer was simple and concise.... he replied, "You just lead them a little more".

That's a line from Full Metal Jacket. You shouldn't believe everything you read.
Thanks bro. I see these figures were supplied by the CIA. Is this the same CIA that supplied Bush with the intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?

How convenient it would be if we could just dismiss facts because we didn't like the source.
How convenient it would be if we could just dismiss facts because we didn't like the source.

Perhaps "facts" from Al Jazeera would be more to your liking? In one post you say I shouldn't believe everything I read, yet in the next you say I shouldn't dismiss anything the CIA tell me. Do you believe everything the CIA disseminates?
Thanks bro. I see these figures were supplied by the CIA. Is this the same CIA that supplied Bush with the intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?

What possible reason can you come up with to claim the CIA is not a valid source? And what possible gain does the CIA have by changing the numbers around?

This is ridiculous, the CIA is a credible source used around the world for statistics such as this.

This is not some counter-intelligence operation, its just a factbook about the world. The CIA is not giving out false info about population counts, there is no reason.