I love imitating tat.

Boris Norris

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2022
Will Trump go to jail? Seems he's getting his orange suit ironed. Packing his toothbrush and orange makeup. Already organising weekly slots for stormy visits. I guess we'll see how bad his memory is when Bragg gets his sorry fat ass in the dock.

Will Trump go to jail? Seems he's getting his orange suit ironed. Packing his toothbrush and orange makeup. Already organising weekly slots for stormy visits. I guess we'll see how bad his memory is when Bragg gets his sorry fat ass in the dock.

You forgot to mention Hunter Biden going to jail and maybe more of the family .
I think hunters got his crack pipe and anal lube packed and his daddy may have advised his brother joe to do the same.
Joes pretty safe till he's either out of office or impeached..
You forgot to mention Hunter Biden going to jail and maybe more of the family .
I think hunters got his crack pipe and anal lube packed and his daddy may have advised his brother joe to do the same.
Joes pretty safe till he's either out of office or impeached..
You're pathetic and you don't think. It's beyond you.