I think we can all agree

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Nuclear was is absolutely unthinkable .
There are no winners the world will in a nuclear winter for years , billions will did . It could poison the earth for thousands of years in places .
Yet we keep inching closer to it every day. Russia is talking about using nukes in the Ukraine , Iran the nut cake nation is developing them and I do think they are stupid enough to use them, Fat boy in nk is unstable , India and Pakistan seem to hate each other and China is trying to control the south seas and has had small battles with India .

Before we solve the energy crisis and climate and food supply's and so much more we need to get these nukes done away with or nothing is safe .
Nuclear was is absolutely unthinkable .
There are no winners the world will in a nuclear winter for years , billions will did . It could poison the earth for thousands of years in places .
Yet we keep inching closer to it every day. Russia is talking about using nukes in the Ukraine , Iran the nut cake nation is developing them and I do think they are stupid enough to use them, Fat boy in nk is unstable , India and Pakistan seem to hate each other and China is trying to control the south seas and has had small battles with India .

Before we solve the energy crisis and climate and food supply's and so much more we need to get these nukes done away with or nothing is safe .
Hiroshima & Nagasaki were necessary to save millions of lives.

I think nuclear is the best current direction to go to address the energy needs of large population centers.

I think Nukular weapons force the smart people to always be the ones in charge of things in every nuclear armed country.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki were necessary to save millions of lives.

I think nuclear is the best current direction to go to address the energy needs of large population centers.

I think Nukular weapons force the smart people to always be the ones in charge of things in every nuclear armed country.

sadly I cant say putin qualifies as smart or the fat kid bar in N Korea or any one in iran
I can see the NK kid blowing a nuke in the sea past Japan. He will do it to no avail to gain the respect of the world that he so desires. Then the rest of the world will come down hard on him, saying, "Tut tut". There are probably very few more sanctions left to sanction on NK.
Hiroshima & Nagasaki were necessary to save millions of lives.

I think nuclear is the best current direction to go to address the energy needs of large population centers.

I think Nukular weapons force the smart people to always be the ones in charge of things in every nuclear armed country.

NK is run by a brutal family dynasty. No IQ test is required to be dear leader.
I can see the NK kid blowing a nuke in the sea past Japan. He will do it to no avail to gain the respect of the world that he so desires. Then the rest of the world will come down hard on him, saying, "Tut tut". There are probably very few more sanctions left to sanction on NK.
its pretty well a criminal state at this point .hes a nut bar for sure hes made it fairly clear hes a go Brandon go type guy.
sounds like the bidens no iq test needed

Trump was not given an intelligence test. He was given The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, designed to access dementia, not intelligence. Trump was certainly mislead it was an IQ test.

The MoCA checks different types of cognitive or thinking abilities. These include:
  • Orientation: The test administrator asks you to state the date, month, year, day, place, and city.
  • Short-term memory/delayed recall: Five words are read. The test-taker is asked to repeat them. After completing other tasks, the person is asked to repeat each of the five words again. If they can't recall them, they're given a cue of the category that the word belongs to.
  • Executive function/visuospatial ability: These two abilities are checked through the Trails B Test. It asks you to draw a line to sequence alternating digits and letters (1-A, 2-B, etc.). The test also asks you to draw a cube shape.
  • Language: This task asks you to repeat two sentences correctly. It then asks you to list all the words in the sentences that start with the letter "F."
  • Abstraction: You are asked to explain how two items are alike, such as a train and a bicycle. This checks your abstract reasoning, which is often impaired in dementia. The proverb interpretation test is another way to measure these skills.
  • Animal naming: Three pictures of animals are shown. The person is asked to name each one. This is mainly used to test verbal fluency.
  • Attention: The test-taker is asked to repeat a series of numbers forward and then a different series backward. This task tests the ability to pay attention.
  • Clock-drawing test: You're asked to draw a clock that reads 10 minutes past 11:00.
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