If Pres. Ford had lived up to our treaty to supply the South Vietnamese the way we've done Ukraine, where'd we be today?

These are the same Dick Cheney neocon talking points. Wars are good we just don't kill enough people to win them!

Vietnam being lost to the commies has not harmed our country one damn bit.
Vietnam being lost to the commies has not harmed our country one damn bit.

58,000 Americans dead.
Millions wounded.
Millions of families devastated.
The presidency crushed. The military demoralized.

And you sit there and say, Vietnam being lost to the commies has not harmed our country one damn bit.

I can't even think of an insult strong enough to label you with right now. Eternal Hell would be too good for you. I hope you have a lifetime of pain and suffering, now, and for all eternity. I hope you die a slow death of pain and ignominy

Why are we debating Vietnam? That country was run lock stock and barrel by commies was still never a security threat to us!
As Dennis Prager points out in, "Why I Love America," neither Korea nor Vietnam had anything we wanted.

So why did we fight the Korean War and the Vietnam War?

We lost 100,000+ men in those countries trying to help those people enjoy the freedoms we enjoy.

Americans are very decent people, mostly.

Who else fights to help others enjoy freedom?
Conservatives claim to be for small government.

Supporting the military industrial complex and idiot wars is the opposite of small government.
What is the cost of being unprepared, militarily, to handle the major or minor threats to US and our interests?

I like knowing that our troops can get what they need, when they need it in our defense.

If that's part of what you call the:
military industrial complex
Then color me OD Green.