If the world could vote


New Member
Jun 11, 2008
Hey guy's
I just set up a website i want people to know about.
Since the president of the U.S is the most powerful man in the world.
And his actions influence the whole world. I became interested to see what would happen if the world could vote ;)

So please cast your vote and tell your friends about the site.

If the world could vote

Bragi Thor
Interesting website.

If the president of the US is the most powerful man in the world, then it stands to reason that we should at least listen to the opinion of the rest of the world before casting our ballots.

Is he really the most powerful?
Interesting website.

If the president of the US is the most powerful man in the world, then it stands to reason that we should at least listen to the opinion of the rest of the world before casting our ballots.

Is he really the most powerful?

Ironically I had the opposite thought. If the US is the most powerful nation in the world, why would we follow the advice of those whose choices lead them to not be the most powerful nations?

Most of the rest of the world is doing far worse than us. It was our choices to ignore their suggestions, that led us to being the world leader. Why do we want to listen to them?

If you are broke, do you go to bankruptcy court, and ask those applying about finances?

If you are having relationship troubles, do you ask those divorced 3 times, how to make your marriage work?

If you want to quit smoking, do you ask all the smokers at work what suggestions they have?

If your national economy is going through a small dip, do you ask a former Communist Soviet country, whose economy was tanked, how to rebound?

The answer is no to all of these. America was built by defying the world's conventional wisdom, and opinion, and won't be successful by adopting their failed policies now.
Ironically I had the opposite thought. If the US is the most powerful nation in the world, why would we follow the advice of those whose choices lead them to not be the most powerful nations?

Most of the rest of the world is doing far worse than us. It was our choices to ignore their suggestions, that led us to being the world leader. Why do we want to listen to them?

If you are broke, do you go to bankruptcy court, and ask those applying about finances?

If you are having relationship troubles, do you ask those divorced 3 times, how to make your marriage work?

If you want to quit smoking, do you ask all the smokers at work what suggestions they have?

If your national economy is going through a small dip, do you ask a former Communist Soviet country, whose economy was tanked, how to rebound?

The answer is no to all of these. America was built by defying the world's conventional wisdom, and opinion, and won't be successful by adopting their failed policies now.

Many of the nations in the list have higher standards of living than we have in the US by any objective measure. We might have a more powerful military, at least, we have a more expensive one, but whether or not we're the best depends on your point of view.

If we're to rebuild our status and credibility with the rest of the world after the idiotic foreign policy of the past eight years, then we need a president who is respected by foreign peoples.
America was built by defying the world's conventional wisdom, and opinion, and won't be successful by adopting their failed policies now.

But the rest of the world hates us... shouldn't we get all touchy-feely with concern about that?

Isolationism is clearly what the Majority of the world wants for America.... It should be obvious that Americans cannot be trusted to do whats in the best interest of the world, so lets have the rest of the world decide whats in our best interest for a Change.

'08's forecast:

Obama '08: Isolationism and Recession with eventual Great Depression

McCain '08: Militarism and Recession with eventual Great Depression

Bring an umbrella.
The world already does favor Obama, as in 55% across 22 countries.


How many of those countries care about the best interest of the United States of America? I bet the answer is zero.

Most countries would be "almost" as happy as the freaked out far left if America crumbled into ashes. So of course they want Obama, it’s a no brainer!
How many of those countries care about the best interest of the United States of America? I bet the answer is zero.

Most countries would be "almost" as happy as the freaked out far left if America crumbled into ashes. So of course they want Obama, it’s a no brainer!

The most dead-on-target, precisely devastating post I've seen from you!

The smart-bomb of posts! :)

Congratulations! :D
The most dead-on-target, precisely devastating post I've seen from you!

The smart-bomb of posts! :)

Congratulations! :D

LOL thanks.

I am in a extra bad mood today. I was feeling bad that I was too mean, but I really do feel that way. I feel bad about making fun of other countries in the other post I left today too, I said they were crying like girls. I meant it but I dont usually say what I think if its extra mean.

I should not have eaten lemons today :o