Is Cindy McCain a baby momma too?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
If the right wing media keeps on with it's outrageous comments and implications about Obama, I just might have to switch parties and vote for him just for spite!

This is ridiculous.

Fox News had commentator Michelle Malkin on to talk about how Barack Obama's wife Michelle has not been the victim of unfair conservative attacks, and as she was speaking the network displayed the caption seen above: "Outraged liberals: Stop picking on Obama's baby mama!" The term "baby mama" is, of course, slang for the unwed mother of one's child (married ones usually just called "wives"). This is sort of like when Anderson Cooper of CNN misused the term "boo," except vicious and racist instead of adorable and funny. It also follows incidents in which Fox asked whether Michelle Obama did a "terrorist" fist-bump with her husband and in which it circulated unsubstantiated rumors that she used the term "whitey" in a speech once. Whoops! Fox News has "accidentally" injected another crazy defacto allegation about the Democratic presidential candidate's wife into the mainstream dialog.
If the right wing media keeps on with it's outrageous comments and implications about Obama, I just might have to switch parties and vote for him just for spite!

This is ridiculous.

If you're even considering voting for Obama, for ANY reason, you've already gone beyond the pale, so save "conservativism" for conservatives and go ahead and switch. We're plagued with enough RINO's, neo-cons, wanna-be's, and bezerkers as it is, so PLEASE, just go ahead and toddle off to the "dark side".
If you're even considering voting for Obama, for ANY reason, you've already gone beyond the pale, so save "conservativism" for conservatives and go ahead and switch. We're plagued with enough RINO's, neo-cons, wanna-be's, and bezerkers as it is, so PLEASE, just go ahead and toddle off to the "dark side".

I agree. Why do people threaten to vote for Obama if people don’t stop analyzing Obama? Just vote for him, heck move to Oregon and vote for him twice! No one really cares.

I wish everyone who was even slightly considering voting for Obama would just do it and quit threatening to do it.
OK, gotta separate 2 things here... FOX's actual News shows and personalities from FOX's Pundits and their shows. Two totally different things. The news is pretty fair and balanced - but its tone is not nearly depressing as the other outlets. Not to say there are never inaccuracies but thats true for ALL media outlets, just FOX gets put under the microscope for being "different" from the others.

That being said, they have both been on a constant slide since FNC began, in so much as substance is concerned. When FNC first appeared, it seemed more interested in doing what media should do by creating an informed public. Once the Republicans took over, FNC took a nosedive into T&A and Gotcha! politics oblivion.

Conservatives tuned in to hear about what the Liberal Media wasn't telling the public, the other side of the story if you will, and the FNC was good at it. But how is that the most "Conservative" network be filled with the most scantily clad women in the Media?

Its a real turn off for me, no pun intended, as they seemed to get dumber as they got better looking - "Just try to stay quite, smile alot and show some leg if someone gets into a boring tirade."

Really disappointing. I watched FOX, CNN and MSNBC until about two years ago. Now I get all my news from watching our legislators on C-Span, hearing news on the radio or searching the internet.

The fact that "Sex Sells" is one of the major contributing factors to the dumbing down of our society and I refuse to reward those who cater to such a low common denominator. No, I'm not a prude - Just don't want a healthy portion of breast with every headline.
I agree. Why do people threaten to vote for Obama if people don’t stop analyzing Obama? Just vote for him, heck move to Oregon and vote for him twice! No one really cares.

I wish everyone who was even slightly considering voting for Obama would just do it and quit threatening to do it.

Careful what you wish for.

Yet, if the anti Obama pundits have to stoop to calling him a Muslim terrorist who has a "baby momma", and implying that he is a Marxist radical, or such nonsense, then they don't have any real arguments against him, do they? Why all of the silly stories?

Are the "liberals" now going to try to imply that Cindy McCain is a "baby momma", or the white trash equivalent, a common law wife?

When are we going to hear a rational discussion of the real issues?
When are we going to hear a rational discussion of the real issues?

I have asked for this repeatedly, in multiple threads, but NOBODY has taken me up on the offer. Probably because the ISSUES are where Obama is weakest.

Pick ANY issue Obama is promoting and we can go from there.
Careful what you wish for.

Yet, if the anti Obama pundits have to stoop to calling him a Muslim terrorist who has a "baby momma", and implying that he is a Marxist radical, or such nonsense, then they don't have any real arguments against him, do they? Why all of the silly stories?

Are the "liberals" now going to try to imply that Cindy McCain is a "baby momma", or the white trash equivalent, a common law wife?

When are we going to hear a rational discussion of the real issues?

The Muslim thing and what ever a baby mama is I don’t know, but the Marxist part, well Obama said in one of his books, but I can not remember if it was the first or second, that he did align himself with Marxist people in school. And some of his and his wife’s ideas are Marxist. What I find so funny is people think Marxism is a dirty word or liberalism is a dirty word. Nether are dirty words, they just describe a political belief of redistribution of wealth and the like. I personally think both ideas are so disgusting and pathetic, but many do not. People should be proud of what they are and what they believe.

I believe in conservative values, I believe in capitalism and I am proud as hell to say that. I do not believe in socialism, humanism, communism, liberalism, Marxism. If someone believes in those things, they should say it proudly as I have about what I believe, instead of getting offended that someone accused them of believing what they actually believe. Its stupid!. If you have to be ashamed of your label, maybe you should reconsider your belief system. Liberals are so ashamed of their label they have tried (I think unsuccessfully) to rename it to Progressive. It’s so funny to see a group of people so ashamed of what they are they had to rename what they are.

I don't care if people call Cindy McCain a baby mama; I have to look up what that means though.

I don't care if people say McCain is old, or he cusses to much or he is from Mars.

I like it when people point out inconsistencies in what he says, I like it when people point out his liberalism.

I do get slightly mad when they accuse him of being a conservative. 70 something percent of all conservatives are totally disgusted in him as a nominee because he is a freaking liberal!

What I wish for is this.

The people who lap up like dogs, anything hateful about McCain, true or not, the people who seriously relish in anything they can find bad to distort who he is, because lets face it who he is, is bad enough without any help. Those same people freak out like someone said blasphemy against GOD when you say anything about Obama. It doesn't matter if it’s true. We may not speak anything but fluffy good stuff about Obama. And if you dare, well then you are a racist, you are unfair and it’s just another reason to vote for Obama.

The Muslim thing and what ever a baby mama is I don’t know, but the Marxist part, well Obama said in one of his books, but I can not remember if it was the first or second, that he did align himself with Marxist people in school. And some of his and his wife’s ideas are Marxist. What I find so funny is people think Marxism is a dirty word or liberalism is a dirty word. Nether are dirty words, they just describe a political belief of redistribution of wealth and the like. I personally think both ideas are so disgusting and pathetic, but many do not. People should be proud of what they are and what they believe.

Marxism is a failed and discredited political philosophy. No one would run for office here or in most countries on Marxist ideals. Obama is a liberal by most definitions, of course, and so that is going to turn off anyone who considers himself a conservative. Yes, people, especially people running for office, should be proud of what they are and what they believe.

I think both candidates are (1) liberals, and (2) proud of what they believe. I don't think either of them is a Marxist, or a terrorist, or a doddering oldie wearing Depends. That's just my opinion, of course. I could be wrong.

I believe in conservative values, I believe in capitalism and I am proud as hell to say that. I do not believe in socialism, humanism, communism, liberalism, Marxism. If someone believes in those things, they should say it proudly as I have about what I believe, instead of getting offended that someone accused them of believing what they actually believe. Its stupid!. If you have to be ashamed of your label, maybe you should reconsider your belief system. Liberals are so ashamed of their label they have tried (I think unsuccessfully) to rename it to Progressive. It’s so funny to see a group of people so ashamed of what they are they had to rename what they are.

The term "liberal" has so many meanings, it is time to use a more specific term. Progressive has not, at least so far, become so undefined as to be meaningless. The same can be said for "conservative". Is the conservative a paleo, a neo, a fiscal, a social, or some other kind?

I don't care if people call Cindy McCain a baby mama; I have to look up what that means though.

It is black slang. It means a woman who has a man's baby without benefit of marriage. It is like calling Michelle Obama his "b****. The term "common law wife" is, or at least was at one time, a white trash equivalent. People tend not to look on out of wedlock babies the same way they once did, unfortunately.

I don't care if people say McCain is old, or he cusses to much or he is from Mars.

I like it when people point out inconsistencies in what he says, I like it when people point out his liberalism.

I do get slightly mad when they accuse him of being a conservative. 70 something percent of all conservatives are totally disgusted in him as a nominee because he is a freaking liberal!

He is no conservative by most people's definition, no. Like most politicians, what he says tends to be inconsistent at times.

What I wish for is this.

The people who lap up like dogs, anything hateful about McCain, true or not, the people who seriously relish in anything they can find bad to distort who he is, because lets face it who he is, is bad enough without any help. Those same people freak out like someone said blasphemy against GOD when you say anything about Obama. It doesn't matter if it’s true. We may not speak anything but fluffy good stuff about Obama. And if you dare, well then you are a racist, you are unfair and it’s just another reason to vote for Obama.


The exact same thing could be said about Obama, of course.

OK, I suppose I could vote for McCain based on the same reasoning as my threat to vote for Obama. It doesn't really matter, most likely, as I live in California. Unless something changes radically in the urban areas, any Republican, even a RINO, is unlikely to get California's electoral votes. Last time around, the two candidates didn't even campaign here, despite the number of electors at stake.

I wonder how it is that California sent RR to the Whitehouse?:confused:

Maybe I'll just vote Libertarian. That's what I usually do anyway.
Careful what you wish for.

Yet, if the anti Obama pundits have to stoop to calling him a Muslim terrorist who has a "baby momma", and implying that he is a Marxist radical, or such nonsense, then they don't have any real arguments against him, do they? Why all of the silly stories?

Are the "liberals" now going to try to imply that Cindy McCain is a "baby momma", or the white trash equivalent, a common law wife?

When are we going to hear a rational discussion of the real issues?

I re read my post and thought I should say the only part that was directed to you personally was the part where you said be careful what you wish for, and I replied that I still wish people who threaten to vote for Obama if anyone criticizes him, does actually vote for him already.

The rest of my post was a general rant on the topic, but after re reading it, it looked (though not purposefully) directed all at you.

Marxism is a failed and discredited political philosophy. No one would run for office here or in most countries on Marxist ideals. Obama is a liberal by most definitions, of course, and so that is going to turn off anyone who considers himself a conservative. Yes, people, especially people running for office, should be proud of what they are and what they believe.

I think both candidates are (1) liberals, and (2) proud of what they believe. I don't think either of them is a Marxist, or a terrorist, or a doddering oldie wearing Depends. That's just my opinion, of course. I could be wrong.

The term "liberal" has so many meanings, it is time to use a more specific term. Progressive has not, at least so far, become so undefined as to be meaningless. The same can be said for "conservative". Is the conservative a paleo, a neo, a fiscal, a social, or some other kind?

It is black slang. It means a woman who has a man's baby without benefit of marriage. It is like calling Michelle Obama his "b****. The term "common law wife" is, or at least was at one time, a white trash equivalent. People tend not to look on out of wedlock babies the same way they once did, unfortunately.

He is no conservative by most people's definition, no. Like most politicians, what he says tends to be inconsistent at times.

The exact same thing could be said about Obama, of course.

OK, I suppose I could vote for McCain based on the same reasoning as my threat to vote for Obama. It doesn't really matter, most likely, as I live in California. Unless something changes radically in the urban areas, any Republican, even a RINO, is unlikely to get California's electoral votes. Last time around, the two candidates didn't even campaign here, despite the number of electors at stake.

I wonder how it is that California sent RR to the Whitehouse?:confused:

Maybe I'll just vote Libertarian. That's what I usually do anyway.

I agree with most everything you said, except I do believe that Obama and his wife’s political thinking leans towards socialism, communism, Marxism. But I do not think he is a full blown communist or marxist in his thinking. Its like Tex Mex rather than Mexican if you were going to compare it to food. Watered down might be a better analogy.

I would not say California sent Ronald Reagan to the white house. He would have easily won both elections even if California went to the Dems. In 1980 He won every state in the union except for the home states of Carter and Mondale and 2 others, Hawaii and West Virginia. In 1984 he won every state in the union except for Minn. (Mondale’s state)

This got me curious so I went and counted who won California since it has become a state.

Republicans 23 times
Dems 15 times
Other 1 time

Most noteworthy was the fact that Nixon won it all three times he ran.
Ford won it against Carter, George HW Bush won it
And of course Reagan both times he ran
If the right wing media keeps on with it's outrageous comments and implications about Obama, I just might have to switch parties and vote for him just for spite!

This is ridiculous.

It's good to see someone who is paying attention to the repeated shameless rounds of Republican Swift Boating. It's a very played out strategy. Swift Boating good Americans only works until people catch on... then it just pisses people off to know they were being lied to so their vote would be wrongly influenced.

The Republicans are getting caught on their lie/smear campaign left & right and that's a very good thing for the country...

Another county Republican Party caught peddling Obama smear
by Goldy, 01/22/2008

When the Clark County Republican Party got caught posting the “Obama is a Muslim” smear on the front page of their official web site, I suppose you could’ve just chalked it up to stupidity or venality or wankery (or all three.) But now that a second county Republican Party has been caught officially peddling the exact same lies… well… that establishes a pattern.

A comment on Slog, (via Jon Devore) points us to a January 19, 2008 opinion piece in Aberdeen, WA’s Daily World, in which assistant editor Dan Jackson rails against the “mostly untrue and hugely inflammatory” email that has made its way into his and millions of other inboxes. But….

The most galling and appalling thing about this e-mail is how it got to my inbox. It was passed on by a local citizen who had received it from Cathy Colley, the chairwoman of the Grays Harbor Republican Party.

If it were just from, I’d groan about it and maybe even respond to the writer that it was racist and untrue. I doubt I’d be writing this column.

Clicking the “send” button doesn’t require a degree in law or political science — nor should it — but when you’re the Republican Party chairwoman, you should know better than to forward something inflammatory that hasn’t been vetted.

Or, to forward something inflammatory that has been vetted, and totally debunked both here and here.

Two Republican Party organizations have now been caught officially pushing the same racist lies about Barack Obama, suggesting a common theme, if not a coordinated campaign of hatemongering and innuendo. It is time for state GOP chair Luke Esser to hold party officials accountable for their actions, or be held accountable for his own.
I agree with most everything you said, except I do believe that Obama and his wife’s political thinking leans towards socialism, communism, Marxism. But I do not think he is a full blown communist or marxist in his thinking. Its like Tex Mex rather than Mexican if you were going to compare it to food. Watered down might be a better analogy.

I would not say California sent Ronald Reagan to the white house. He would have easily won both elections even if California went to the Dems. In 1980 He won every state in the union except for the home states of Carter and Mondale and 2 others, Hawaii and West Virginia. In 1984 he won every state in the union except for Minn. (Mondale’s state)

This got me curious so I went and counted who won California since it has become a state.

Republicans 23 times
Dems 15 times
Other 1 time

Most noteworthy was the fact that Nixon won it all three times he ran.
Ford won it against Carter, George HW Bush won it
And of course Reagan both times he ran

Actually, what I meant by California having sent RR to the White House was that he was governor of California before running for the presidency.

Posted by NoObamanation:
The rest of my post was a general rant on the topic, but after re reading it, it looked (though not purposefully) directed all at you.


No problem. It is a topic that lends itself to rants, is it not?