Is Pakistan disintegrating?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
Reading some recent reports on what is happening in Pakistan seem to indicate that the country is falling into some sort of anarchy. The Taliban is taking over large parts of the country at the same time that the U.S. is asking Pakistan to step up military action in the tribal area's.

The Mumbai terrorists seem to have succeeded in causing Pakistan to shift military resources from both the tribal area's and from internal area's (the Swat Valley) that the Taliban is moving into to Indian border regions.

The official alliance with the U.S. in an Islamic country to fight Islamic Jihadists is not a popular policy internally. (a bit of an understatement)

What appears to be a worldwide economic recession precipitated by the U.S. credit crisis is aggravating the situation.

If a nuclear armed Pakistan continues this downward spiral, things could get very, very bad.
Pakistan has always been a fairly loose confederation of ungovernable states so there is no real change in the situation. What has changed is the perceptions of the west towards Pakistan which since the WOT has been trying to define Pakistan so it fits into some neat and tidy little cubbyhole so they can interact with it.
The situation in Pakistan is troubling, to say the least, and has been for some time. The US government counts that nation as an ally on the "war on terror", yet acknowledges that Bin Laden most likely has training camps there. The Western "tribal lands" are mostly ungovernable, and have been for some time. It is no surprise that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are operating in Pakistan, and are getting stronger.
Devastating response

Funny how so may people respond with abuse but no substance.

You may wish to know that I view this as an admission of defeat by those whose mind is too small to accept it
Devastating response

Funny how so may people respond with abuse but no substance.

You may wish to know that I view this as an admission of defeat by those whose mind is too small to accept it

You may wish to know that I don't care how you view it. Can you by any stretch of spin somehow support that opinion you expressed, or are we to take it as valuable simply because you expressed it?

For reference, this is the statement I'm referring to:

Pakistan is being divided by what the US is doing to Muslims.
You have made some unfounded and totally unsupportable statements before, but you've outdone yourself with that one.

Actually the US is causing quite a degree of consternation in Pakistan at the way the US is trying to intervene in its internal politics. The proposition that Dawkins has made is to some extent valid and not without foundation in the context of Pakistan and the Northern Regions along its Afghan border...........
I am continually amazed by how much of the US proganda is swallowed by Americans.

It is as though they understand that all countries use propaganda except their own.

Which is childish.

If the US is going to illegally attack a Muslim country and bomb the **** out of its civilians then it should not be surprised when 'coallition Muslims' in other radical countries get outraged and join forces.

If it was happening in reverse the US would call them heroes.

They certainly didn't mind when asswipes like Tony Blair took the UK into the illegal war supporting the US to commit acts of terrorism against Iraq.
I am continually amazed by how much of the US proganda is swallowed by Americans.

It is as though they understand that all countries use propaganda except their own.

Which is childish.

If the US is going to illegally attack a Muslim country and bomb the **** out of its civilians then it should not be surprised when 'coallition Muslims' in other radical countries get outraged and join forces.

If it was happening in reverse the US would call them heroes.

They certainly didn't mind when asswipes like Tony Blair took the UK into the illegal war supporting the US to commit acts of terrorism against Iraq.

So, that's what is happening in Pakistan then? Coalition Muslims in other radical countries are becoming outraged and joining forces?

From here, it looks more like a breakdown in civil order than anything else.

Further, Iraq, the nation that was "illegally" attacked, was a secular state. You can argue that attacking a secular state in the name of fighting Islamic extremism is the height of foolishness, as I have done myself, but that doesn't make it an attack on a Muslim country.
Iraq is full of Sunni and Shiite Muslims and the religion of the country is Islam.

Afghansitan is a muslim country where the deplorabble but heavily Islamic Taleban rule after being armed and helped to power by the US.

The US has waged war on both countries illegally and is murdering their people with acts of terrorist bombing.

This is resulting in a hatred of the west by radical Muslims many of which live in Pakistan and they are being given the reasons they need to destabilise the country and ultimately seek power.

The US will win nothing except a massive destabilisation of the middle east and a huge recruitment drive for Al Qaeda.

They will limp home in humiliation whilst trying to sell the idea to the world that it was a success.

But Iraq is ruled by gun toting mobs in the street and Afghanistan is just out of control.

If I were a Muslim living in the middle east I would be tempted to join Al qaeda and fight back against US tyrrany.

They are only doing what the French resistance did during WW2 and we all hale them as heroes.
we are not going to be attacked without striking back!!!!!

plain simple statement

i also would like to hear other opinions can say you are right and i am wrong but that dose not make it so .................when our country was attacked , ANY country hiding osama and his cutthroats is fair game

GOD BLESS THE U S A !!!!!!!! ............... ALSO please don't ban anyone for an opinion..........