Jobs and automation


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
Next round of automation: the world's first shipment by self-driving truck, a 120-mile journey with no driver in front seat.

In the long run this will have an effect on thousands of jobs.
With the lack of success shown so far, driverless trucks are not safe.
If they fix it then it will be a big deal as driver fatigue is a known problem of great proportion.
True. But for me this topic is more about all the jobs that will get lost.
Yes, I get that. Clearly there are a lot of trucks in use all day every day. I wonder how versitile these robots are and their costs.
Long haul can be very routine and would be a good fit to solve driver fatigue issues. Short trips as in around town are anything but. And what is the cost ? Also there are things drivers do other than drive. You may not be able to eliminate people totally.
And liability has to be considered. If a driver screws up but is following rules then screw up are on him. If nobody is driving and it screws up liability is on the company. With its deep pockets.
Yes there are considerations but worst case is not likely IMO.