Joe Biden's 1st Term Accomplishments

Joe's biggest achievements:

Had American patriots jailed for protesting against voter fraud.
Had schoolkid's moms labeled terrorists for not agreeing with leftist indoctrination of school kids.
Had Trump charged in four states for alleged violations of Democrat interpretations of laws that don't apply to Democrats.
Shut down American energy independence.
Sold out America to one world oligarchs.
Sold American security and freedom for a few dollars more in his piggy bank account.
Raised the cost of living for poor people by 60% or more.
Invited sex perverts to strip naked on the WH lawn.
Destroyed voting securities in many states.
Caused gasoline prices to double.
promised to take away guns and gas appliances to meet the leftists' global agenda.
Defied the courts in forgiving billions of dollars in student loans.
Defied US laws in ushering in millions of illegal aliens to overly burden city mayors all across the country.
Admitted the Democrats have the most fine-tuned voter fraud operation ever.
Got Hunter off the hook for multiple violations of federal laws.

And so much more.
Jim-Bakker[1].webpJoe's biggest achievements:

Had American patriots jailed for protesting against voter fraud.
Had schoolkid's moms labeled terrorists for not agreeing with leftist indoctrination of school kids.
Had Trump charged in four states for alleged violations of Democrat interpretations of laws that don't apply to Democrats.
Shut down American energy independence.
Sold out America to one world oligarchs.
Sold American security and freedom for a few dollars more in his piggy bank account.
Raised the cost of living for poor people by 60% or more.
Invited sex perverts to strip naked on the WH lawn.
Destroyed voting securities in many states.
Caused gasoline prices to double.
promised to take away guns and gas appliances to meet the leftists' global agenda.
Defied the courts in forgiving billions of dollars in student loans.
Defied US laws in ushering in millions of illegal aliens to overly burden city mayors all across the country.
Admitted the Democrats have the most fine-tuned voter fraud operation ever.
Got Hunter off the hook for multiple violations of federal laws.

And so much more. poo-eating-fly-smiley-emoticon[1].gif ......bullshit-bs-smiley-emoticon[1].gif


"The Biden-Harris Administration is leading and delivering on the most ambitious climate, clean energy, and environmental justice agenda in history, including securing the largest ever climate investment – the Inflation Reduction Act – and unleashing a clean energy manufacturing boom that has attracted hundred$ of billion$ in private sector investment and created over 270,000 new clean energy jobs. And just last month, President Biden announced several new critical actions to stand up the American Climate Corps – a historic initiative that will put more than 20,000 young Americans to work fighting the impacts of climate change while training them for careers in the workforce of the future."
Mark incoherently babbles about how Trump is a moral Christian and how once, snakes could talk and give bad culinary advice.
Mark incoherently babbles about how Trump is a moral Christian and how once, snakes could talk and give bad culinary advice.
Not me. I have never claimed to believe Trump is a moral person, although I have claimed that unlike so may democrats, Trump does not oppose American Christian moral values.