"Gold prices edged lower on Monday as the dollar rose after better-than-expected U.S. manufacturing data, while markets await the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike decision this week.

U.S. manufacturing pulled off a three-year low in April as new orders improved slightly and employment rebounded, while construction spending
increased more than expected in March, boosted by investments in nonresidential structures."

"The auto industry is introducing fleets of electric vehicles that will be powered by lithium-ion batteries and while the U.S. has massive quantities of lithium locked underground, companies have been slow to invest in mining and extraction.

That's about to change. Lithium operations powered by clean energy are being developed in California, near the Salton Sea. Just like California's 1849 Gold Rush, companies are racing to strike it rich in a region some are now calling Lithium Valley."

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Americans; Happy At Work!!!!
May 12, 2023
"Those who recently started a new job — a number that's been historically high over the past few years in the wake of the pandemic — saw much bigger jumps in work satisfaction.

tight labor market has meant increases in pay, workplace flexibility and opportunities for a lot of people. And they're happier as a result."
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June 7, 2023
"In case you missed it, New York Times Opinion Columnist Paul Krugman detailed how – after Donald Trump failed to deliver on his promise to revive the manufacturing sector – the Biden-Harris administration is delivering for America’s working families by helping create millions of good-paying jobs and producing a manufacturing boom in the United States."
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"U.S. Economy Screwed"
January 13, 2008
"After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried about this one since last summer. We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."
Biden pats himself on the back claiming he has lowered the deficit, lowered unemployment, raised wages, increased small business activities and so forth but he pads his books and the poor people suffer. How sad. Even if he is doing great things for the economy, he must admit his alleged successes are riding on the backs of poor people whose circumstances have taken nose dives since he has been in office, particularly with the rising inflation caused by his outrageous spending proposals.

Majority of US households are struggling due to inflation | World Economic Forum (

American households struggle as inflation continues - new survey
Sep 21, 2022

Millions of Americans are facing financial hardship due to rising consumer prices, as the level of inflation remains at its highest level in more than 40 years.
Inflation tends to impact lower-income groups disproportionately.
But as the chart below shows, inflation pressure has even caught up with high-income households.

As inflation remains at the highest level in more than 40 years, millions of Americans are facing financial hardship due to rising consumer prices. According to a survey conducted by Gallup in August, the majority of U.S. adults now say that price increases are causing financial hardship for their household, with 12 percent describing their hardship as severe, meaning it might affect their ability to maintain their current standard of living. Another 44 percent of households face moderate hardship, meaning that price increases affect them but don’t threaten their standard of living.

Unsurprisingly, inflation woes affect lower income groups disproportionately. While it’s relatively easy to shrug off price increases when it only reduces the amount of money left at the end of the month, it is much harder for people who struggled to make ends meet even before prices started surging.