John Hinkley is on The OReilly factor tonite 8PM


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Watch O'Reilly factor tonite "John Hinkley" The man is still in the mental hospital after 30 years he shot Reagan. Hes still living like a ravish lifestyle feeding Stray Cats,Bathing in sun,Get his visit his parents and have all kinds of Girlfriends. This will show how law is a joke in America. You can kill anyone you want and still have Lawyers get you off the hook like O.J Simpson did,Robert Blake did and Micheal Jackson did. In any other country if you shoot the Prime minister the police will haul your ass into jail and later you ether spent life in prison or face excution. In Russia, China, North Korea,Cuba or even in Venezuela youll face execution very soon. In middle east countries youll face execution right on the spot except in Israel.
Watch O'Reilly factor tonite "John Hinkley" The man is still in the mental hospital after 30 years he shot Reagan. Hes still living like a ravish lifestyle feeding Stray Cats,Bathing in sun,Get his visit his parents and have all kinds of Girlfriends. This will show how law is a joke in America. You can kill anyone you want and still have Lawyers get you off the hook like O.J Simpson did,Robert Blake did and Micheal Jackson did. In any other country if you shoot the Prime minister the police will haul your ass into jail and later you ether spent life in prison or face excution. In Russia, China, North Korea,Cuba or even in Venezuela youll face execution very soon. In middle east countries youll face execution right on the spot except in Israel.

Why is O'Reilly doing this? I honestly believe Billy Boy has lost it. He has transformed himself into the adopted love child of Geraldo Rivera and Jerry Springer.
Why is O'Reilly doing this? I honestly believe Billy Boy has lost it. He has transformed himself into the adopted love child of Geraldo Rivera and Jerry Springer.

I am pretty sure that is a violation of any Parole he has , as I read he was forbidden when out at all to talk to media.

And yea I question Bill having him on...but if he is able to be...someone was going to...
Watch O'Reilly factor tonite "John Hinkley" The man is still in the mental hospital after 30 years he shot Reagan. Hes still living like a ravish lifestyle feeding Stray Cats,Bathing in sun,Get his visit his parents and have all kinds of Girlfriends. This will show how law is a joke in America. You can kill anyone you want and still have Lawyers get you off the hook like O.J Simpson did,Robert Blake did and Micheal Jackson did. In any other country if you shoot the Prime minister the police will haul your ass into jail and later you ether spent life in prison or face excution. In Russia, China, North Korea,Cuba or even in Venezuela youll face execution very soon. In middle east countries youll face execution right on the spot except in Israel.

He didnt kill Reagan first off and second off he didnt get away with anything the guy was clearly off his fvcking nut.
You see.. Hinkley wanted to be a celebrity he wanted to be on TV. Like Actress Camille Grammer said

Being on Televison is not a right,, Its a privilege. You better be rich cause if your not rich you better be pretty,,If your Not Pretty you better be talented,, If youre not Talented,Pretty or rich then youre pretty well ****ed up not to be on televison.

Hinkley wasnt Rich enough to get on camera,,He wasnt good looking enough to be on camera. And he wasnt talented enough to get on camera. So he shoots the President and he gets to become a celebrity automatily. Its a catch 22. So if you like your name in the history books for your grandchildren to read in school you go right ahead and shoot the president of the united states,, And then you can be on all 6 networks and the Media will treat you like a hollywood star and then you can plead insanity like Hinkley did.
steveox;156221 In middle east countries youll face execution right on the spot except in Israel.[/QUOTE said:
Only if you are Jewish.

Comrade Stalin