Leftist looters and liars are now targeting Trump's cabinet picks with bomb threats, true to their wicked character and nature

Creating a word that atheists use to make believing God stupid and unscientific is itself stupid and unscientific. The word "falsified" has no power to rule on apiritual matters, for or against. Use the word for secular observable science as long as you admit it cannot be applied to spiritual matters like the human soul.
This is totally incomprehensible and it is rambling of a desperate person trying to find a way to get out of a jam. Falsifiable is a word, an adjective. Of course it applies to any idea, evolution, gravity, science, and all sorts of beliefs. Moreover to be a scientific an idea must be falsifiable. below you even admit religion and the idea of god are not falsifiable but then you make yourself into an embarrassing pretzel trying too hard to deny that the ideas of religion and gods are not falsifiable.
You don't prove to me that you are right and I don't prove to you that I am right, but at least the truth remains that God is always right no matter what any dunce may choose to believe to the contrary.
First part agreed. Last part is merely your opinion that as you said cannot be proven. It is faith and you wanting to push your faith down the throat of all others. Where are your manners?

What is crystal clear is that a belief that is falsifiable and can be tested by scientific methods is infinitely more superior to a belief that is not falsifiable and people are asked to believe them based on faith such as the existence of yeti, snowman, Santa clause and yes god.
Claims that cannot be scientifically proven with observation and measurement, like the big bang theory, man's evolution from animals theory, or the Biblical record of God's creation, are not to be classified as irrefutably scientifically proven.
Just what’s wrong with you? Heck supposedly you were once admitted to the west point and were at top of your class. Look at what religion has done to you? in the previous post you just clearly admitted god cannot be proven or disproven, but here you cannot bring yourself to agree that god cannot be proven.

Leftist looters and liars are now targeting Trump's cabinet picks with bomb threats, true to their wicked character and nature​

Yeah....that's who's doing all this....Leftists!!!!!!

You MAGATS can be such suckers for the latest conspiracies / White-wing hu$tle$!!!!!

This is totally incomprehensible and it is rambling of a desperate person trying to find a way to get out of a jam. Falsifiable is a word, an adjective. Of course it applies to any idea, evolution, gravity, science, and all sorts of beliefs. Moreover to be a scientific an idea must be falsifiable. below you even admit religion and the idea of god are not falsifiable but then you make yourself into an embarrassing pretzel trying too hard to deny that the ideas of religion and gods are not falsifiable.

First part agreed. Last part is merely your opinion that as you said cannot be proven. It is faith and you wanting to push your faith down the throat of all others. Where are your manners?

What is crystal clear is that a belief that is falsifiable and can be tested by scientific methods is infinitely more superior to a belief that is not falsifiable and people are asked to believe them based on faith such as the existence of yeti, snowman, Santa clause and yes god.
Just because humans created a word that makes God look out of date or unintelligent or whatever other disrespectable thing they hope to achieve, God still stands unfazed.
Just because humans created a word that makes God look out of date or unintelligent or whatever other disrespectable thing they hope to achieve, God still stands unfazed.
You admitted you cannot prove gods existence.

You are so delusional and so desperate that you imply humans created a word just to deny gods existence.
You admitted you cannot prove gods existence.

You are so delusional and so desperate that you imply humans created a word just to deny gods existence.
Humans are unable to inspect or comprehend enormous aspects of the universe and life on earth so trying to diminish God's involvement in the creation of the universe and life on earth by dictionary words that have no application to spiritual matters is silly.
Humans are unable to inspect or comprehend enormous aspects of the universe and life on earth so trying to diminish God's involvement in the creation of the universe and life on earth by dictionary words that have no application to spiritual matters is silly.
Stating the fact that you agree with that god cannot be proven is not intended to diminish god.

Francis: “Nobody can prove God exists …”
Everybody knows that God cannot be scientifically observed and measured by humans. So what?
Nothing. Why can’t you agree to agree?

That is exactly what agnostics think. The difference is that you have chose to believe in something that cannot be proven but agnostics do not believe in something that cannot be proven.

Francis: “Nobody can prove God exists …”
The world and the US are at war between good and evil.
Rubbish. USA wants to be the world's policeman so invade countries to assert it's power. Countless defeats have happened.

That war has been raging for thousands of years. The liars, thieves, false accusers, the violent, the disgruntled, the uncivilized and the like are in their hearts on the wrong side of that war.
Did it ever occur to you that you're wrong?

There is no wrong side.
Rubbish. USA wants to be the world's policeman so invade countries to assert it's power. Countless defeats have happened.

Did it ever occur to you that you're wrong?

There is no wrong side.
Murderers are wrong. Voting fraud crooks are wrong. Need I go on?