Ma Nature vs. The Least Educated

"Research led by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that between now and 2050, climate change–driven sea level rise will expose more than 1,600 critical buildings and services to disruptive-flooding at least twice per year.

This flooding is a particular threat to public and affordable housing—a burden borne inequitably.
More than half the infrastructure at risk by 2050 is in communities at a disadvantage, based on historical and ongoing racism, discrimination, and pollution."

Seeing-as-how the 1%ers / High-Roller$ are most responsible for encouraging / promoting Global Warming (thru the various politicians they purchase), it's probably time to start BLOWING UP SOME YACHTS!!!!!

I'm sure there are plenty of working-Americans (near yacht-clubs)....or, even, fellow, ostentatious yacht-owners.....who'd be more-than-happy to nominate such targets!!!!
renfield[1].jpg Hurricanes caused by natural forces for thousands of years are now caused by right wing Americans......

You've probably heard this, before,'re WRONG, AGAIN!!!!
"In the tropics, sunlight heats the oceans surface, causing water to evaporate into the atmosphere. The rising air mass creates a low-pressure zone that draws in air from surrounding areas, and strong, steady winds rush in to fill the space left behind. When atmospheric conditions are right, these winds can develop into a tropical disturbance. Earth’s rotation deflects the winds, causing them to spin around the low-pressure center, creating an “eye” at the center of the storm. During summer months, when sea surface temperatures reach at least 26° Celsius (about 80° Fahrenheit), high levels of evaporation can cause the disturbance to strengthen into a hurricane."
“Against the Current” provides a powerful glimpse of how Virginia’s Eastern Shore residents are subject to the challenges of rising water’s effects on their lives and livelihood. Through resilience and perseverance, they learn to co-exist and celebrate their rural home. How can this unique community shed light on the national conversations happening around these climate issues?"
Hurricanes caused by natural forces for thousands of years are now caused by right wing Americans unwilling to redistribute trillions of dollars of personal wealth into the pockets of global warming snake oil salesmen worldwide.
To be sure some scientists bend their results to further justify their research or benefit their benefactors. The answer to that is competing but legitimate research and adopting rules and procedures that discourages manipulating research results.

But it takes an astonishing level of stupidity and irresponsibility to beleive that what billions of humans do has no effect on climate.

Not quite the same but the incredible levels of air pollution in some populated Chinese cities is the proof that what humans do affects atmospheric conditions such as climate.
Hurricanes caused by natural forces for thousands of years are now caused by right wing Americans unwilling to redistribute trillions of dollars of personal wealth into the pockets of global warming snake oil salesmen worldwide.
You are a science mo ron LOL No one is saying that hurricanes are caused by anything other than natural causes but the intensity a number seem to be increasing based on climate change But understanding that would require you to not actually be a science *****
To be sure some scientists bend their results to further justify their research or benefit their benefactors. The answer to that is competing but legitimate research and adopting rules and procedures that discourages manipulating research results.

But it takes an astonishing level of stupidity and irresponsibility to beleive that what billions of humans do has no effect on climate.

Not quite the same but the incredible levels of air pollution in some populated Chinese cities is the proof that what humans do affects atmospheric conditions such as climate.
God is in charge of the weather, not greedy global warming scammers.
You are a science mo ron LOL No one is saying that hurricanes are caused by anything other than natural causes but the intensity a number seem to be increasing based on climate change But understanding that would require you to not actually be a science *****
Climate change is a hoax that has deceived millions of gullible rubes
It's funny how you are clearly completely clueless about science and yet you post about science as if anyone should take you seriously LOL
Someone else who lefties must think is clueless is Obama for building some of his multimillion dollar mansions on the coast at near seal level. I am like Obama, I don't believe all that crap about dangerous rises in sea levels.