make america great again


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
so, what year did america cease to be great? and did trump make america great again, and if so, what year?
so, what year did america cease to be great? and did trump make america great again, and if so, what year?
Of course i know what you mean but the unwashed masses of ignorant trumpoids grabbed that catch cry and loved it.
They are still belching it as if it will return Trump.

I find it embarrassing that grown mature people got sucked into the fraudulent charlatan and still haven't learnt learned.

The multiple problems he caused and still exist yet in their infinite wisdom they think his return will solve it. How does more of the same work?

There must come a time when they realise they are wrong. I know usa is saturated with idiots but surely this will bring them to their senses.