McCain & reinstating the draft.

Let's just face it. John McSame is so asleep at the wheel he didn't even realize how stupid it was to say he agreed with a draft until someone on his staff told him after the meeting.

His handlers are already immediately tried to cover for him. They ran right out and said... Oh, he was only answering (agreeing to) the "meat" of the question not the draft part.

McSame does this all the time... it's not really even news anymore. He did the memory slip about the Birth Control Pill... about Viagra... and Sunnis... about borders that don't exist... about countries that haven't existed for almost 20 years... on & on...

It's almost like his camp is saying... Hey you know the old codger can't remember $hit. Just ask us... we'll tell ya what he means.:D
The more I read about him , the more I see that his POW "companion" is spot on about him. ( the article about this has been posted here )
Let's just face it. John McSame is so asleep at the wheel he didn't even realize how stupid it was to say he agreed with a draft until someone on his staff told him after the meeting.

His handlers are already immediately tried to cover for him. They ran right out and said... Oh, he was only answering (agreeing to) the "meat" of the question not the draft part.

McSame does this all the time... it's not really even news anymore. He did the memory slip about the Birth Control Pill... about Viagra... and Sunnis... about borders that don't exist... about countries that haven't existed for almost 20 years... on & on...

It's almost like his camp is saying... Hey you know the old codger can't remember $hit. Just ask us... we'll tell ya what he means.:D

All of this still sounds better to me than "President Obama" does.
to answer the personal question you pose:

I may not live in the US at the moment.......but I did and still am "technically" amerikan. Specifically San Francisco and New Orleans. I have watched the nation I loved deteriorate while I lived there, and see its flaws even more clearly now. I have several citizenships and move around due to the fact that I am now retired. Where do I live?? On planet earth. Parts of which are of which need a jolly good spanking. (NOT WARS or stupid invasions based on lies. )

Now, there will be no more replies to my location , be it current or in the next few THAT Is NOT the topic.

NO, I do NOT like the path the US is on... and can't see it changing direction all that much in the the force of the current momentum is too great. Even with all the Obama talk of "change".........I don't think he will be able to make a dent of change as there is far too much entrenched now.......... and if he will be suicidal...... as sure as anything some jerk will assassinate him or try to. McCain is worse than bush when it comes to an autocratic approach and warmongering. He is a very angry man.......whos temper is barely in check. back on track.

Well I supose that explains your interest in the draft, thanks for helping me understand why you are so interested in American Politics. Have you tried to find out what Obama thinks about the draft?
Well I supose that explains your interest in the draft, thanks for helping me understand why you are so interested in American Politics. Have you tried to find out what Obama thinks about the draft?

No need for one with Obama because we would never have a "moral" reason to use the military.
I am not totally against a draft either. I find it odd that the left in our country so quickly wants to mimic other countries, yet many do have mandatory military service.

I don't have a problem with this. I would hope to not need a draft. But I think it's an honorable and good thing that people should support the defense of their nation. No one seems to complain about Switzerland's compulsory military service.

Now they do have options about which part of the service you go into, but serving the country you live in, isn't such a horrible idea. In fact in some views, it's constitutional. The militia under the constitution was every... as in every male of age. There were no exception unless you were physically incapable.
Personally, I see a lot of benefit in "mandatory military training." I think the training itself helps mature an individual and expose him/her in ways that are not otherwise available. Seems that it can be done in such a way so as to be a desired experience for the young and just out of highschool.

Even the Royal family ( UK) sees the benefit of this for its own "clan'....(even if it is just the males so far)
It depends who is running things. I have talked a number of kids out of signing up for service until after they see who is president. There are some people I think it would be dangerous to serve under.

I felt so bad for those men and women who had to serve under clinton and carter. but they had to do it till the contract was up
I looked at the video, and the words McCain was supposedly speaking didn't match at all with the video. :D Go look for yourself. :)

Nothing but one more of the only thing the appeaser leftwing has against McCain: endless lies, endless slurs.
oh libbie. :eek: He never said it outright. It was inferred. There is a nuance there. :rolleyes:

that way , he can't be accused one way or another. The fact that he "suggests" support for the draft would be indicative of his inclination. Let's not forget , what they say BEFORE they are elected and what they say and do after are and can be as different as black and white. It is up to us to read between the lines and see if we can forecast/anticipate what they would ACTUALLY DO when / if elected.
oh libbie. :eek: He never said it outright. It was inferred. There is a nuance there. :rolleyes:

that way , he can't be accused one way or another. The fact that he "suggests" support for the draft would be indicative of his inclination. Let's not forget , what they say BEFORE they are elected and what they say and do after are and can be as different as black and white. It is up to us to read between the lines and see if we can forecast/anticipate what they would ACTUALLY DO when / if elected.

The voice-over wasn't even McCain's voice - "nuance" wasn't involved, it was just a crude ham-handed fraud for the delectation of morons only. :) :rolleyes:
I was referring to the written items. Have not seen the "video"...... and wiil not. Too many of the U tube videos have the problem of "creative license".;)