McCain's cancer, has it returned

top gun

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
Ohio, USA
On NBC trying to distance himself from statements in a Fortune magazine interview by controversial chief strategist & top adviser Charlie Black that appear to say a terrorist attack on US soil would be a strategic plus because it would be "good for McCain" there was another VERY OMINOUS SIGN about McCain's battle with skin cancer...

When tilting his head down answering questions there was no mistaking that right on the top of John McCain's head obvious through the comb over there were not one but two small bandages covering something.

I searched Youtube for video but quality is so bad the flesh toned BAND-AIDS do not show up (some of the clips even had what appeared to be a distortion box on McCain's forehead on up. Don't know what that was all about.

But if anyone gets a chance to watch regular TV news tonight and watches the top of McCain's head in the interview in the clip I'll post you'll clearly see the bandages.

Has more cancer returned and we're being kept in the dark about it? It sure looks possible.
His cancer, if it hasn't already, is almost guaranteed to return.

Here's are some pictures of him with bandages on his face, it's rough to tell when they were taken but, as you can see, it must have been fairly recently because of the presence of Joe Lieberman.


Laughable fantasizing by desperate Obamabots.:D

What are we desperate about? Obama leads in every poll, both nationally and in the electoral vote. Meanwhile our prospects for substantial majorities in both the House and Senate look increasingly good. We are reveling in an election that pits our young vibrant candidate pushing for change against your old sickly nursing home escapee offering more of Bush's failed policies. Desperate? On the contrary, life is good.
What will it be next? McCain will cough, and you'll say he has lung cancer? :D That the left has resorted to this kind of unprecedented (even with Bush) rumor mongering and defamation certainly means something - my guess is that Obamabots realize that when the media coverage changes from 100% pure Obama-worship, as it must in the months ahead, average people will begin to see Obama for what he is - a smalltime leftwing ghetto politician.
What will it be next? McCain will cough, and you'll say he has lung cancer? :D That the left has resorted to this kind of unprecedented (even with Bush) rumor mongering and defamation certainly means something - my guess is that Obamabots realize that when the media coverage changes from 100% pure Obama-worship, as it must in the months ahead, average people will begin to see Obama for what he is - a smalltime leftwing ghetto politician.

being one of the first to attack this idea, I also have to point out, that the Republicans have been 10 times worse on baseless attacks on Obama. And I have attacked both sides for all of them I believe. Then again what do you care, you would never listen to me anyway, I am just a lib to you so you can throw me in with the most extream cases you can think of, and lump us all as one.
What will it be next? McCain will cough, and you'll say he has lung cancer? :D That the left has resorted to this kind of unprecedented (even with Bush) rumor mongering and defamation certainly means something - my guess is that Obamabots realize that when the media coverage changes from 100% pure Obama-worship, as it must in the months ahead, average people will begin to see Obama for what he is - a smalltime leftwing ghetto politician.

I was just simply making an observation.

I was just watching the morning news and it just stood out to me as odd. There were these two small BAND-AIDS covering something on the top of McCain's head, partially... or I should say "predominantly" showing intertwined in his comb over.

I mean it's not like the guy cut himself shaving or something... it's dead on top of his head.

Maybe he fell... I have no idea... except the fact that he does have something he's covering with BAND-AIDS on top of his head. Top of the head is a place bald people often get skin cancer.

With McCain already having skin cancer 4 times on the face and 1 time on a leg and with over 20 lymph nodes already surgically removed in his head & neck area BAND-AIDS showing up covering things on his head is note worthy.

That's all I'm saying...
His cancer, if it hasn't already, is almost guaranteed to return.

Here's are some pictures of him with bandages on his face, it's rough to tell when they were taken but, as you can see, it must have been fairly recently because of the presence of Joe Lieberman.



These weren't the Band-Aids I was speaking of. These were 2 little white ones right on the top of John McCain's head. They were picked up by the reporters and McCain was finally forced to acknowledge their existence. This is his campaign's "story".

McCain says band-aids the result of hitting car roof
Posted: 03:10 PM ET

McCain said Monday he hit his head on the roof of a car during his recent trip to Canada.

(CNN) – John McCain hit the campaign trail Monday with two band-aids on the top of his head, leading a reporter to ask the Arizona senator why he was wearing them.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, who has battled skin cancer in the past, said the band-aids were merely a result of hitting his head on the roof of a car.

“I was getting out of the car in Canada and I hit the roof a tiny bit, and the car was much smaller than the one I'm usually being ferried around in by the beloved Secret Service."

"It was a brush with a low hanging door," McCain also said.

While many still suspect these Band-Aids to be covering up reoccurring skin cancer lesions I hear the McCain camp has decided that Senator McCain will now wear a bicycle helmet along with elbow & knee pads when attempting dangerous stunts like entering or exiting any vehicle.

Good call... he is somewhat fragile.