Meet the new boss


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Same as the old boss.

In the satirical film 1960's film "How I won the War", which incidentally starred John Lennon, the commanding officer solemnly stated that the greatest enemy that the British Army faced was the "wily Pathan".

Now satire has become real farce with the Pop Star picking up the imperial bludgeon from where his egregious predecessor left it..

"..Barack Obama has ordered 17,000 extra US troops be sent to Afghanistan, keeping a campaign pledge to bolster security in the country, which he said had not received the "strategic attention" it required.

The deployment, which will boost the 36,000 US troops already there by 50%, is a sign of the president's determination to rethink America's approach to the war.

The move will please military officials in Afghanistan, who have pleaded for more forces to battle an increasingly violent Taliban insurgency. Militant attacks have escalated in the last three years and insurgents now control wide sections of countryside..."

As is ususal in modern propaganda, those resisting imperial adventurism are labelled "militants" while the real militants are part of a "campaign pledge to bolster security".

for the record here is the original definition of militant

1375–1425; late ME < L mīlitant- (s. of mīlitāns), prp. of mīlitāre to serve as a soldier. See militate, -ant

Comrade Stalin of Gori