Military expert: Russians have been very stupid; they already lost the war


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
Military expert Thomas C. Theiner was interviewed by a polish sender about the war and his conclusions are a desaster for the Russian army. He also talks about modern tactics superior to the ancient Russian tactics.

I'm not sure who qualifies to be called a "military expert" but almost all those people are active or retired military and their rank is usually given along with a name. Does this guy deliver pizzas near where you live?

I assume Russia might be a little backward of Nato and the USA forces in modern strategy and tech but behind Ukraine?

Is Zelensky a modern military expert also?

Trump sucks!
Biden rules!
Zelensky is god!
@Starcastle Of course you didnt say anything about the content of the video, of course.

Oh Russian strategy has been poor that is for certain and Russian weapons and equipment have been routinely beaten by western and US weapons. Russian military doctrine is probably inferior to NATO.

In the first gulf war there was a tank battle called the battle of Medina ridge. The US won that battle and destroyed 186 Iraqi tanks vs 4 US tanks that were destroyed. Iraq had elite Soviet tanks including the T72 tanks. They were technologically inferior.

I'm not saying it is not a legit question. It points to how much of a threat Russia is to the west. We have leaned in the last year they are not much of a threat.
Keeping in mind that Ukraine would be about 10th in the world in military spending from all the aid they have received. Now they are talking about sending them M1 Abrams tanks which requires more US technical assistance to maintain them. Good deal for General Dynamics eh?

As always it is about escalating this war and not trying to find an end.

Biden and the military industrial complex care nothing for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
Keeping in mind that Ukraine would be about 10th in the world in military spending from all the aid they have received. Now they are talking about sending them M1 Abrams tanks which requires more US technical assistance to maintain them. Good deal for General Dynamics eh?

As always it is about escalating this war and not trying to find an end.

Biden and the military industrial complex care nothing for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

care nothing for ukraine and the ukrainian people? how did you come to that conclusion?

you think you have the solution that they are ignoring?
Germany also sending 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine to go with the 31 Abrams 1 tanks.

Zelensky is a military genius!
Germany also sending 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine to go with the 31 Abrams 1 tanks.

Zelensky is a military genius!

no one claims he is a military genius, your sarcasm is stupid.

but he is a genius at inspiring people, otherwise russia would own ukraine now.
no one claims he is a military genius, your sarcasm is stupid.

but he is a genius at inspiring people, otherwise russia would own ukraine now.


Is it the t-shirt that impresses you so much? Perhaps it is Biden's vast military experience that impresses you.

The $50B in aid has nothing to do with why Russia is struggling?
care nothing for ukraine and the ukrainian people? how did you come to that conclusion?

you think you have the solution that they are ignoring?

The Biden-Scholz strategy is to bog Russia down there much like we were in a quagmire in Iraq for 15 years. They like this war. It serves them politically and economically. Who cares if the people of Ukraine suffer because of it?

The German company that makes the Leopard 2 just increased their annual revenues by 10%.
The Biden-Scholz strategy is to bog Russia down there much like we were in a quagmire in Iraq for 15 years. They like this war. It serves them politically and economically. Who cares if the people of Ukraine suffer because of it?

The German company that makes the Leopard 2 just increased their annual revenues by 10%.
War and defending democracy is always a vote winner. If only Biden can stretch it out until the election.
BTW, he posted in Jan 2022 details about Putins plan to invade Ukraine:

Not exactly a bold call. Russia already had Crimea and there were troops in Donbass. They also had helped themselves to part of Georgia. That was back before you libtards associated Putin with Trump so it was fine with you.

Is this Steiner the grandson of Felix the WW2 general? The one Hitler was expecting to unleash a counter attack on the Soviets?
