Monotheistic religions: What do they Mean?


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
Monotheistic religions: What do they Mean?

Monotheism: Literally, 'mono' refers to 'one' in Latin and theism: from 'theus' referring to 'god. deity', or 'divinity', in Greek. So monotheism denotes one god. Reference of monotheistic religions refers the three major religions in the world of monotheistic doctrines, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The donkey on two legs who considers these religions with reference to multiple-systems of angels, satans, jinns, and other creatures in terms of trinities comprehends nothing about the monotheistic principle in these three major religions of today, and the past.

A religion, to be monotheist, has one principle thing, one object, one being, as a purpose of acknowledgement, worship, belief, devotion, love, fear and to be served, namely God. God is the object of identification in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

These religions are called monolithic religions because their fiddles of believers, believe in one and only God. While Judaism is totally based on belief in one, indivisible eternal God that is the creator of the universe, heavens and earth and what is between, life and death, all manifestations of life including man.

Man is sent the Law in order to implement it and those who do follow the Law, or the Torah, are saved and earn the favor of God who will reward them in this world and in the hereafter. Those who reject the Law of God shall be subject to punishment in this world and in the Hereafter shall be chastised in Gahanna or Hell Fire.

The Gospel or the Evangel represents the divine word for Christians and proclaims one God in trinity. That is to say God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit (archangel Gabriel).

Christianity can be considered as a monotheistic religion in as far as it is concerned with the worship and serving as well as love on and only God, despite that this God has three dimensions, or three sides reflecting the unity of God in trinity. Christianity like Judaism proclaims those who believe in God shall be rewarded in Paradise and those who chose not to believe in God shall be thrown in Gahanna. This monotheistic religion addresses all humanity.

Islam is considered by 1.4 billions of fiddles as a divine message of God to all humans. It proclaims one God and the only God, creator of the Universe and everything within it. It proclaims, worship of this God alone and not to associate anything in His worship. God of the Muslims is eternal, all creating.

He has created all manifestations of life. He has created humans in order to worship Him. He has given them the choice and freedom to believe or disbelieve in Him. The universe is made as the criterion of considering the necessity of God to create, put together, hold together and dispose of everything at a simple command of an divine act.

Humans have the task to choose between belief and disbelief in God, to worship Him or not, to obey His law or not. Humans are given one life to undergo this experience. Then an appointed day for the judgment of humans shall be established where all humans shall be resurrected, and every soul shall be held to account for its actions and beliefs.

Those who believe and perform good deeds in their earthly life shall be rewarded with eternal felicity in paradise. Those who chose not to believe as the disbelievers, atheists, agnostics, hypocrites, associators, idolaters, shall be summoned to be judged according to their free choice and bad actions and shall be punished in hell fire.

The reason for punishment is that humans have received the message of good news and have rejected it and denied its plausibility.

The three monotheistic religions are founded on the promise of God and nothing else. No one proof is provided by any of these religions for the existence of God. No proof is offered in these three texts to an evidence for the day of Judgment nor for paradise nor for Hell Fire. All three religions proclaim the same thing, namely to believe in one God and do good and shun evil.

Reward and punishment shall be administered by God in this world as well as in the hereafter.

The principle thesis of all these three religions is God is and man ought to worship God and serve Him.

The cornerstone of monotheism is the oneness of God in contrast to polytheism found in other belief-systems and other spiritual outlooks.
juglelow It is not the belief of All Christians that atheists and agnostics will be punish in a fire. No body knows what Hell(or heaven) is like , the bible version is not to be taken literal.
Also there is debate of who goes to hell. All can do good deeds. Many Christians , Jews and Moslems do not think many go to hell or it is certain that they are saved.
The three monotheistic religions are founded on the promise of God and nothing else

The promise of God and heaven if one abases himself enough.

The principle thesis of all these three religions is God is and man ought to worship God and serve Him.

Except for Christianity that also says we have to embrace substitutionary atonement which is an immoral tenet.

Christians, IOW, have to sell their moral soul to Satan in the hope that Jesus will accept them even as they would profit from allowing an innocent man to be punished in their stead.

As Ingersoll said; 'no man would be fit for heaven who would consent that an innocent person should suffer for his sin.'

So much for Christian morality.

Monotheistic religions: What do they Mean?

Monotheism: Literally, 'mono' refers to 'one' in Latin and theism: from 'theus' referring to 'god. deity', or 'divinity', in Greek. So monotheism denotes one god. Reference of monotheistic religions refers the three major religions in the world of monotheistic doctrines, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The donkey on two legs who considers these religions with reference to multiple-systems of angels, satans, jinns, and other creatures in terms of trinities comprehends nothing about the monotheistic principle in these three major religions of today, and the past.

A religion, to be monotheist, has one principle thing, one object, one being, as a purpose of acknowledgement, worship, belief, devotion, love, fear and to be served, namely God. God is the object of identification in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

These religions are called monolithic religions because their fiddles of believers, believe in one and only God. While Judaism is totally based on belief in one, indivisible eternal God that is the creator of the universe, heavens and earth and what is between, life and death, all manifestations of life including man.

Man is sent the Law in order to implement it and those who do follow the Law, or the Torah, are saved and earn the favor of God who will reward them in this world and in the hereafter. Those who reject the Law of God shall be subject to punishment in this world and in the Hereafter shall be chastised in Gahanna or Hell Fire.

The Gospel or the Evangel represents the divine word for Christians and proclaims one God in trinity. That is to say God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit (archangel Gabriel).

Christianity can be considered as a monotheistic religion in as far as it is concerned with the worship and serving as well as love on and only God, despite that this God has three dimensions, or three sides reflecting the unity of God in trinity. Christianity like Judaism proclaims those who believe in God shall be rewarded in Paradise and those who chose not to believe in God shall be thrown in Gahanna. This monotheistic religion addresses all humanity.

Islam is considered by 1.4 billions of fiddles as a divine message of God to all humans. It proclaims one God and the only God, creator of the Universe and everything within it. It proclaims, worship of this God alone and not to associate anything in His worship. God of the Muslims is eternal, all creating.

He has created all manifestations of life. He has created humans in order to worship Him. He has given them the choice and freedom to believe or disbelieve in Him. The universe is made as the criterion of considering the necessity of God to create, put together, hold together and dispose of everything at a simple command of an divine act.

Humans have the task to choose between belief and disbelief in God, to worship Him or not, to obey His law or not. Humans are given one life to undergo this experience. Then an appointed day for the judgment of humans shall be established where all humans shall be resurrected, and every soul shall be held to account for its actions and beliefs.

Those who believe and perform good deeds in their earthly life shall be rewarded with eternal felicity in paradise. Those who chose not to believe as the disbelievers, atheists, agnostics, hypocrites, associators, idolaters, shall be summoned to be judged according to their free choice and bad actions and shall be punished in hell fire.

The reason for punishment is that humans have received the message of good news and have rejected it and denied its plausibility.

The three monotheistic religions are founded on the promise of God and nothing else. No one proof is provided by any of these religions for the existence of God. No proof is offered in these three texts to an evidence for the day of Judgment nor for paradise nor for Hell Fire. All three religions proclaim the same thing, namely to believe in one God and do good and shun evil.

Reward and punishment shall be administered by God in this world as well as in the hereafter.

The principle thesis of all these three religions is God is and man ought to worship God and serve Him.

The cornerstone of monotheism is the oneness of God in contrast to polytheism found in other belief-systems and other spiritual outlooks.
This seems all wrong because it starts on two wrong legs.
First of all, REASON substantiates that there is a Creator.
Secondly, we have a conscience. WE know it is wrong to steal , to commit adultery, to murder. Why does a thief attack you if you steal from him?

REvelation MUST be needed unless God is totally unfree and like a mechanical device. The Creator must have things about HImself and life and us that we can only know if He reveals it. This is all obvious if you don't mindlessly complexify things, which I feel that you do.
This seems all wrong because it starts on two wrong legs.
First of all, REASON substantiates that there is a Creator.
Secondly, we have a conscience. WE know it is wrong to steal , to commit adultery, to murder. Why does a thief attack you if you steal from him?

REvelation MUST be needed unless God is totally unfree and like a mechanical device. The Creator must have things about HImself and life and us that we can only know if He reveals it. This is all obvious if you don't mindlessly complexify things, which I feel that you do.

how does REASON substantiate there is a CREATOR?

can you tell us your REASONing?
This seems all wrong because it starts on two wrong legs.
First of all, REASON substantiates that there is a Creator.

How does it? Reason is not evidence.
Secondly, we have a conscience. WE know it is wrong to steal , to commit adultery, to murder. Why does a thief attack you if you steal from him?
Consciousness is not a gift from God. It evolved with us like morals and free will. They all preceded any god.
REvelation MUST be needed unless God is totally unfree and like a mechanical device. The Creator must have things about HImself and life and us that we can only know if He reveals it.
That's the issue. He has never revealed anything recorded in history.
This is all obvious if you don't mindlessly complexify things, which I feel that you do.
I agree. Religion is for gullible low IQ mindless fools.
how does REASON substantiate there is a CREATOR?

can you tell us your REASONing?
My heavens, this goes all the way fromThe Metaphysics of Aristotle through the Summa Contra Gentiles to the modern work of NOrman Kretzmann. Nothing creates itself there must be something self-existent at the beginning. And over eternity without some outside Sustainer nothing new would come into being and things would die or decay. Astrophysics shows now that the universe is not going to expand forever, its gravity well eventually collpase it back, so there is a time constraint on the universe. It can't be eternal. Anyway if you posit an eternal universe you lose any argument against the eternality of a Creator. But my main reply is that Natural Theology is a backbone of Western Civilization. Look into , there is a vast literature.
My heavens, this goes all the way fromThe Metaphysics of Aristotle through the Summa Contra Gentiles to the modern work of NOrman Kretzmann. Nothing creates itself there must be something self-existent at the beginning. And over eternity without some outside Sustainer nothing new would come into being and things would die or decay. Astrophysics shows now that the universe is not going to expand forever, its gravity well eventually collpase it back, so there is a time constraint on the universe. It can't be eternal. Anyway if you posit an eternal universe you lose any argument against the eternality of a Creator. But my main reply is that Natural Theology is a backbone of Western Civilization. Look into , there is a vast literature.
So no proof just handwaving lol
The Apostle Paul remodeled Jesus' teachings into one that was better suited to pagans. He did away with the dietary laws, because who doesn't like bacon, and he did away with circumcision, because ouch, and he saw that people who once could choose a favorite deity might find just one to confining, so he devised the Holy Trinity, so God is really three and one simultaneously.Trinity.webpSee? It is really quite simple!
The Apostle Paul remodeled Jesus' teachings into one that was better suited to pagans. He did away with the dietary laws, because who doesn't like bacon, and he did away with circumcision, because ouch, and he saw that people who once could choose a favorite deity might find just one to confining, so he devised the Holy Trinity, so God is really three and one simultaneously.View attachment 12810See? It is really quite simple!

You mean stupid. Right?

Yahweh is an androgynous God.

Where is the feminine side of Yahweh? Adam gave us Eve.

Who did Yahweh split from?

I think it is Satan.
Adam did not create Eve, he was an innocent bystander. God was apparently able to make a woman out of the dirt that he made Adam from, but instead, he took a rib from Adam and made it into Eve. It would have been interesting to watch, but alas, YouTube was not around at the time.

I recall being sent against my will to Vacation Bible School after classes ended in the summer. The teachers at Vacation Bible School were not critical thinkers. They made awful bologna sandwiches with no mayo and they failed to put enough sugar in the Kool-Aid.

One teacher described how God made Eve: "he took a rib from Adam, and it didn't even hurt, and he made Eve out of it, and that is why, children that boys have one less rib than girls", she said. I immediately counted my ribs. I counted twelve on each side. I mentioned this and was accused of not counting accurately. When other kids started counting, the teacher decided to play a game of some kind.

Turns out that every once in a while a few people have an extra rib. You can google this if you wish.

The year after that I just refused to go to Vacation Bible School. Instead, I decided to cruise around on my bike and accumulate soda bottles that I got a 2¢ deposit on. One day I managed to get $4.22.