More problems for the teabaggers

Here you go Popeye....

Now this was supposedly a "reporter". Not a commentator, like Glenn Beck. So tell me... is that "reporting" to you? She's mocking them, arguing with them. Literally attacking them in some ways. She cuts the guy off several times to interject her own personal views, and then points out that supposedly his state recieved stealfromus money... obviously oblivious to the fact the child in the guys arms will have to pay back the national debt accrued for that.

So where's your outrage at that Popeye? Where's the complaints about bias or left-winger reporting huh? Where's your thread on that pathetic media outlet of CNN?

It's a shock CNN even covered the national wide protest given it's been happening for some time now, and they just now covered it. You wonder why people watch Fox News? It's because of obvious bias, shoddy reporting like that.
The Boston Tea Party was about "no taxation without representation" this case the teabaggers have representation, they voted just last November. In sports, politics and life..sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. This whole teabag movement reeks of sour grapes.