Musharraf to quit as army chief


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
LONDON - Pakistan's exiled former prime minister said Wednesday that President Gen. Pervez Musharraf had agreed to step down as military chief in a move she expected before the next presidential election.

Such an agreement would be a key step forward in political negotiations for a power-sharing deal with the opposition.

Benazir Bhutto, who has been engaged in talks with Musharraf on a power-sharing deal, also said corruption charges would be dropped against her and dozens of other lawmakers as part of the negotiations to restore civilian rule.

Bhutto, a two-time prime minister who left Pakistan in 1999 to avoid a government collapse, represents Pakistan's main opposition party.

In a telephone interview with The Associated Press from London, she confirmed reports that Musharraf had agreed to step down as military chief.

"We're very pleased that Gen. Musharraf has taken the decision to listen to the people of Pakistan by taking the decision to take off the uniform," Bhutto told the AP. "I expected that he will step down (as army chief) before the presidential elections, but that is for the president to say."

There was no immediate reaction from Musharraf to Bhutto's comments.

Earlier, a close Musharraf ally, Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, confirmed the two sides had reached an agreement regarding Musharraf's military role. "Both sides have agreed on the issue of uniform," he told reporters.

Envoys for the U.S.-allied president have been trying to work out a pact with Bhutto that would rescue his bid for another five-year presidential term.

Bush should Warn pakistan if they elect a more agressive leader that supports Al Queda theyre next on the Axis of Evil list. Could mean the US will attack and invade Pakistan.Pakistan might have Nuclear weapons but they cant reach US soil.