N. Korea to end nuclear programme


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
[SIZE=-1]After six days of hard bargaining, the six-party talks here on North Korea's nuclear programme ended on Tuesday with an announcement that the country would dismantle its programme in exchange for security guarantees and energy aid.

Read more here.

I'm not too convinced of North Korea...
I really doubt that this will be last we hear of N. Korea..not as long as kim jong is around. And he is very good at one thing, maintaining his throne. Also he is good at throwing tantrums, and because of his frequent outbursts, and his disdain for everything, he'll be back. (And even though we already know this, I'd love to tell the people who don't)
I really doubt that this will be last we hear of N. Korea..not as long as kim jong is around. And he is very good at one thing, maintaining his throne. Also he is good at throwing tantrums, and because of his frequent outbursts, and his disdain for everything, he'll be back. (And even though we already know this, I'd love to tell the people who don't)


I think we should have taken some action instead of a negotiation.

I think we should have taken some action instead of a negotiation.

I agree 1000%, but the last thing we need is another conflict, or is it? I sure as hell am opposed to needless war's, but I am opposed to a nuclear fallout as well. We most certianly could have handles this in a more proficent manner. But at least when/if they dismantle, we will have the opportunity to have thorough inspections right?
All goes to show the complete failure of the 6 Party Talks. Do not worry though, we will restart them and and after giving North Korea more incentives to do something they will do the opposite, and then we can respond by giving them more.
This is what, the third time North Korea has ended their nuclear parogram? And gotten more concessions every time?

Good work if you can get it.

And even better if you can find some patsy nation to keep giving you stuff every time you promise to quit.