NATO strikes kill Gadaffi's son and three of his grandchildren


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Colonel Gaddafi's youngest son and three grandchildren killed in Nato air strike

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO airstrike on Saturday night that killed his youngest son Saif al-Arab and three of his grandchildren, a Libyan government spokesman said.

Mussa Ibrahim said Saif al-Arab was a civilian and a student who had studied in Germany. He was 29 years old.

Libyan officials took journalists to the house, which had been hit by at least three missiles.
This isnt the first time the U.S did this. Remember Reagan back in 1986 attack killed Gadaffi's adopted daughter? The F.B.I should be on urgent Alert now. CODE RED! I predict a major attack is about to happen on U.S Soil. Even bigger than 9-11. The Lockerbie bombing was retailation for Reagan bombed tripoli and killed killed Gadaffi's adopted daughter.


how many of his family do we have to hit before we hit him for once?

Has anyone noticed that Syria fits the exact same criteria that President Obama gave for action in Libya...and yet we don't seem to be worried at all.

Aside from the issue that we should not even be in Libya, it is bad practice to go around assassinating heads of state.
Has anyone noticed that Syria fits the exact same criteria that President Obama gave for action in Libya...and yet we don't seem to be worried at all.

Aside from the issue that we should not even be in Libya, it is bad practice to go around assassinating heads of state.

I did notice that, as a matter of fact. Why is it that one dictator is targeted for a "humanitarian war" and not another? It seems to me that a humanitarian war is an oxymoron, and that whenever it is tried, it is a disaster.

Disclaimer to the OP: Now, the word is that this story may have been made up by Gadaffi in order to gain sympathy. I'm sure more will come to light.
If you see something,,, SAY SOMETHING!! It means if you see someone leaving a package,Or leaving a brefcase and walk away GET THE COPS!! It could be a bomb. Now because of Obamaqs actions TSA now will be a train stations searching us! AND THAT NOTS FREEDOM!! Its Bad enough George Bush turned America into a police state like Nazi Germany did with their Gestapos. The TSA is just like hitlers Gestapos.