New Battleground State Polls


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Michigan: Obama 49, McCain 45

Missouri: McCain 50, Obama 45

New Hampshire: Obama 51, McCain 45

Virginia: McCain 50, Obama 46

Dates conducted: September 7-9.

Florida: Obama 48% McCain 48%

I guess there's some good news for both sides here. Each candidate is leading in states you would think they must have. However, if I was a McCain supporter I would be rather concerned about Fla....Obama can afford to lose there, McCain can't.
That is really close. I am trying to find if there has ever been a tie in the election race in the past. If not then there maybe one this year.
That is really close. I am trying to find if there has ever been a tie in the election race in the past. If not then there maybe one this year.

If it ties 269-269, a remote possibility but still possible, it goes to the House of Representatives. Which means, unless a lone elector doesn't go with the popular vote winner of his state (theoretically possible), Obama's the winner.
You should be. On two counts

1) The alleged world standard for democracy allowed an election that wouldn't have been out of place in Zimbabwe
2) You ended up with Bush.

Oscar Wylde said that if a man steal's your wife the best revenge is to let him have her.

Well Bush stole the election and the US got what it deserved.
You should be. On two counts

1) The alleged world standard for democracy allowed an election that wouldn't have been out of place in Zimbabwe
2) You ended up with Bush.

Oscar Wylde said that if a man steal's your wife the best revenge is to let him have her.

Well Bush stole the election and the US got what it deserved.

I'm beginning to see that you have a separate world from the real one, that is all your own.

You know nothing about any topic you have spoken on thus far. If you do any real research into the 2000 election, Bush won every single count there ever was in the election. Even months after the election, the press conducted an independent recount of their own, and even when they imposed rules like complete exclusion of all military ballots, Bush still won.

There is not, nor ever was, at any point in time, any count by anyone anywhere, where Bush was not the winner.

You have no credibility with me at all anymore. Clearly you are willing to selectively ignore, even invent your own personal reality to fit your pre-determined world view. It's no wonder you can't figure out if there is a (god)... in your world, you *are* (god).
I'm beginning to see that you have a separate world from the real one, that is all your own.

You know nothing about any topic you have spoken on thus far. If you do any real research into the 2000 election, Bush won every single count there ever was in the election. Even months after the election, the press conducted an independent recount of their own, and even when they imposed rules like complete exclusion of all military ballots, Bush still won.

There is not, nor ever was, at any point in time, any count by anyone anywhere, where Bush was not the winner.

You have no credibility with me at all anymore. Clearly you are willing to selectively ignore, even invent your own personal reality to fit your pre-determined world view. It's no wonder you can't figure out if there is a (god)... in your world, you *are* (god).

Andy, dont confuse him with facts.